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KerBull Stratos [STOCK]

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The popular beverage, KerBull, has decided to sponsor you, famous Kerbal sky diver Jebidiah Kerman, to break the world record for highest sky dive! Congratulations, don't die.


1: Build a rocket that can send you at least 60000 meters into the air

2: Have a return module that disconnects from the rocket with a parachute and ladder attached (may not be capsule)

3: Fly into space, with a trajectory that will land you as horizontally as possible back at Kerbin (trust me, it helps)

4: Release the return module, go on EVA, and grab onto the ladder

5: Hold on tight, and try not to die


1: No mods. At all. It just easier this way

2: You must use the one man capsule (so you have to actually navigate from the capsule to the parachute)

3: You must have some sort of proof (photos, video, etc)

4: Have fun!

The one time I took photos, I died, but I'll show you anyways









Fail: Explode at the launch pad

Badass: Survive a fall from over 60000 meters

Ultra-badass: Survive a fall from over 60000 meters without parachute

Phycho:Orbit around the sun, return to Kerbin, and survive the fall

HOW?!?!?!: Orbit around Jool, return to Kerbin, and survive the fall

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