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PAIGE causes annoying 'pause' and 'unpause' notifications


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Reported Version: v0.1.5(latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: windows 10 | CPU: Intel i5 4690K | GPU: NVIDEA GTX 1070 | RAM16gb


Every time PAIGE talks or goes to the next talking section the game does an "unpause" "pause" (or pause-unpause). This also creates the 'Game Paused' and 'Game Unpaused' notifications repeatedly when you press 'continue' at PAIGE. This happens in all tutorials.
There is no need for this notification, as PAIGE goes from timewarp 0x to the next talking phase where the game is also in timewarp 0x.
Ultimately this means the code is being told to quickly go to 1x and then at the next PAIGE it immediately switches back to 0x. I don't know if this is necessary, but it sounds like extra lines that shouldn't be there. 
Pause upon first PAIGE interruption during flight


unnecessary 'unpause' and 'pause' when clicking 'continue' to let PAIGE continue talking

Edited by Abelinoss
Bug still present in 0.1.5
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