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In "Throttle, Navball, and Gravity Turn" acceleration is too fast and causes PAIGE issues


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Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: windows 10 | CPU: Intel i5 4690K | GPU: NVIDEA GTX 1070 | RAM16gb

Not necessarily a bug but something to think about.

The acceleration (or thrust for that matter) is too high. PAIGE is not even done talking before she automatically continues because you passed a certain point.
This happens when you launch or staging before PAIGE is done talking and she doesn't get to finish her sentences.

However, if you wait for her to finish all her sentences entirely, there is the odd moment of her saying you need to reach 10km to start the gravity turn, but then she stops in the middle of her sentence because you've already passed 10km 

I think lowering thrust, and/or changing PAIGE timing will help solve this



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Edited by Abelinoss
Still present in 0.1.5
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