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A Trip Around the Block (Weekly Challenge submission)


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Primary - Build a Vessel to launch from Kerbin and go to the Mun, Land (touch) and then launch to Minmus, land (touch) and return (safely) to Kerbin       (did)

Secondary - Build Vessel that can also deploy a Sat/Com into orbit around each Mun and Minmus                                                                                                                          (did 2x)

Jeb - Build a vessel with Multiple landers, Land one each onto the Mun and Minmus and have all 3 return to Kerbin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (*fly to Mun and detach first, it lands and returns to Kerbin while main goes to Minmus to detach and itself along with main Vessel then return)                      (next)          (maybe)

Val - Build a Vessel with a returnable Lander, Land on the Mun and return to vessel, refuel and go to Minmus to land and dock back and then return to Kerbin         (NOPE,     I cant do that yet.    LoL)                                                                                                     *(*Main vessel has to return to Kerbin, but does not have to return to land (but should)

As for Jeb and Val adding Sat's/Com's is a Plus           (M.T.)Time, Parts, Low Dv, for added Challenge                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (*My - Prime-10.5kDv 493 Parts / Sec - 8.7kDv 614 parts, Mission Time for both was 8 Kerbin days) 

And as always Bonus for Landing at KSC and Plus Pluses for Landing Pads, Parking Garage and around.

Edited by 00Dave
took 8 days not 4
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