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Parts attached to AE-FF250 fairing begin to drift when the first stage is activated


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Reported Version: v0.1.4.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G | GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 | RAM16GB


I'm not sure what could cause this glitch, other than the collision of fairings has been very... interesting to say the least. It seems to be caused by a mixture of phantom forces and random impulses from the RoveMate body or wheels, which could be because of part clipping issues (please fix this one day)

To replicate:

Use the savefile I've attached, launch the rocket, then press space to detatch the first stage, and the rover begins to drift off-kilter.
For stopping this glitch, you can begin timewarping and then stop, and the rover will stay in place. This affects the mass of the rocket now being offset and so I can imagine it treats the new position like it's been there as usual.
I'll see if I can replicate it with just the fairing and other fairings as well


Below I've attached a screenshot of the glitch, a video of replicating it (please ignore the initial fail, my record button is the same as the timewarp up button :P), the craft file and a quicksave to help :)
Any tips on building rovers would be appreciated


Included Attachments:





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