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Unable to access tracking station after docking bug, fully resolved by saving and reloading


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Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro | CPU: Intel i7-7700K | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 | RAM32.0 GB


Severity: Medium (Frozen screen but can be resolved)
Frequency: Low (Tried to set it up the same way, but wasn't able to reproduce the issue)


A bug likely relating to the docking of two craft- Specifically, S01 and the HKO Delivery vehicle, in low kerbit orbit around 110 km high.  After docking one of the crew modules, both craft started spinning somewhat, so I undocked the end on the delivery vehicle.  It failed to detach, and kept spinning, so I undocked the other end (and the other module), and after I had a bit of space away from the station, purposely spun faster in the direction of the spin acceleration to fling the failing modules away.  The top of the craft (with the probe core) was destroyed a few seconds after the modules detached, and when I used the side menu, the tracking station was greyed out as an option.  After attempting to load for around 5 minutes, it sent me to an odd screen combining both the main menu and the tracking station.  This reappeared again after I attempted again to access the tracking station, and it sent me back there.

I'm playing on a campaign on "rocket scientist" mode, so potentially the docking tolerance being much lower affected the behavior.  It could also have been partially due to the two modules being so close they could "push" against each other.

To bypass the issue, I saved and loaded the game.  Upon loading, I had a few messages about craft comms disconnect, but was able to load the tracking station like normal.  For some reason, the icons in the tracking station for the craft and debris involved in the incident do not scale upon scrolling in (scaling normally when scrolling out).  When controlling/focused on the craft, the space center's icons had the same behavior (this is likely an unrelated bug).  The "destroyed" craft from earlier actually survived.

I launched a new copy of the delivery vehicle, but the docking worked perfectly fine and as expected this time, besides a small temporary glitch in target position, saying that the target wasn't where it was.


Included Attachments:




Edited by The Space Peacock
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