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"Central" point of a vessel

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Do anyone know, how to determine the point of the vessel , on the basis of which the present biome is determined, when using Surface Scanning Module, or mining?
I did some tests, so I'm almost sure it is not CoM of the vessel, neither it is present control probe

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Recently I tried to make a minmus mining base between biomes - most of it on a flat Greater Flats, and mining equipment just at the edge extending to high ore lowlands. Of course it failed, and from now I wonder what is the point determining the whole vessel location.
Made a long vessel with only one tank filled up, and tried to transfer fuel at the biomes edge, but it does not change anything. About root part, wonder what happens with something  like base, made from many modules each with its own root part

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10 hours ago, Wt23 said:

About root part, wonder what happens with something  like base, made from many modules each with its own root part

AFAIK once you dock everything together it become only  one craft with only one root part. I suppose the savefile will have some hints about it.

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