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Suggested dv calculator improvements

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To start: I LOVE the new TWR readout. But it can use a little more work:

1. Make it so this TWR, Burn, Start, automatically appears when expanding the tab. Now you have to click the 'expand stage' button twice to enable it, or use the settings icon, but ultimately, anyone who expands the stage wants to look at the stage in greater depth (including TWR info). No need to put that behind more clicks/settings
Two clicks needed:
2. Leave the dv picker on the last celestial body you used, also when going out of the vab and going back. Currently it just forgets, when replacing an engine with a new engine, you have to set the dv settings again.
3. dv numbers can be hard to read on a big screen. Use a clearer/bigger font

Full resolution:iQeGYo3.png

How I see it on my screen: bCRiMov.png

Edited by Abelinoss
changed discord for imgur links
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