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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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When you say installed in the right location can you be more specific? Did you unzip all the files and install them in the parts and plugin directories? Or did you follow the instructions and unzip the entire thing into turn game data folder?

Yes Im a dummy, thats what I did.. Lol. Helps to read the destructions!! Ty all is working as it should. And kethane on the Mun has been found!

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Ok now a new problem. I built a kethane test bed to see if everything was hooked up, and when I went to launch mode the name of the ship changed to "HELLOWORLD HELLOWORLD" and the screen seemed to freeze. I had to quit game and restart. I deleted the ship when I got back to VAB. It was also in untitled save and did the same except now I cant even pick other ships in VAB. Also most of the screen interface disappears too. and of course only option is to quit game as screen locks up.... any thoughts? this issue didn't happen until trying to use the Kethane 0.6.1 mod to build a kethane unit. using the kethane detectors and map worked with no issue at all.

Edited by Goatgas
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Ok now a new problem. I built a kethane test bed to see if everything was hooked up, and when I went to launch mode the name of the ship changed to "HELLOWORLD HELLOWORLD" and the screen seemed to freeze. I had to quit game and restart. I deleted the ship when I got back to VAB. It was also in untitled save and did the same except now I cant even pick other ships in VAB. Also most of the screen interface disappears too. and of course only option is to quit game as screen locks up.... any thoughts? this issue didn't happen until trying to use the Kethane 0.6.1 mod to build a kethane unit. using the kethane detectors and map worked with no issue at all.

What other mods do you have installed?

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BTW what will happen with already scanned bodies when 0.7 comes in? Will old maps be recalculated to new format, or will it be necessary to rescan everything?

In short, no, there will be no support for legacy maps. The code has already been removed.

The longer story is that the new scans will be stored in the deposit save file. The new scan format is a bitmask where each bit represents whether a cell has been scanned. (There's code for converting these bitmasks into cell coordinates and finding the deposits underneath.) So, if you were so inclined, you could build a tool that reads old 2D scan maps and converts them to geodesic grid maps.

Super stoked for the new scan maps, but, will there be any sort of legacy support for the old image-format files? I was rather fond of overlaying them with my ISA scans through external editors, and I'm afraid that if scans are saved as a series of hex points I'll lose that ability.

There won't be a texture saved, so you won't be able to just overlay something on an external tool. On the other hand, the bitmask is available, which means you get access to more precise data about what's scanned. At a future time when the codebase is more stable, I may look at import

I would like to test a new version from github, but there is no "AlphaUnlitVertexColored.txt" file in the repository. And without that, it is impossible to see the grid over planets.

Shader "Kethane/AlphaUnlitVertexColored" {
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_MainTex ("Base (RGB) Trans (A)", 2D) = "white" {}

SubShader {
Tags {"Queue"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjector"="True" "RenderType"="Transparent"}
LOD 100

ZWrite Off
Cull Off
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
Lighting Off

BindChannels {
Bind "Color", color

Pass {
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
combine texture * primary

SetTexture [_MainTex] {
constantColor [_Color]
combine previous * constant

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Yes Im a dummy, thats what I did.. Lol. Helps to read the destructions!! Ty all is working as it should. And kethane on the Mun has been found!

If you can read destructions I am suprised, Thats amazing.

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Augurs in ancient Rome divined the future "reading" from the innards of sacrificial animals. I reckon that was pretty destructive...maybe he's a descendant? Only he is predicting the future by reading scatter pattern of explosions instead of goat's guts :sticktongue:

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I found a thread about the "helloworld" bug, but no real answer. It seems to affect only the drill bit in Kethane 0.6.1 on my computer. anyone else have this issue and how to resolve it? cant use the mod without the drill :/

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I found a thread about the "helloworld" bug, but no real answer. It seems to affect only the drill bit in Kethane 0.6.1 on my computer. anyone else have this issue and how to resolve it? cant use the mod without the drill :/

I don't think this is Kethane-related. Others haven't had this problem and there is no "helloworld" text in Kethane. Make sure you downloaded Kethane from the first post in this thread.

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Hello world bug comes up if a part link in the .craft file isn't connected at a proper location. There's a good chance that the last time you had that craft open and tried to install something in symmetry, but appeared to have failed but then tried again and succeeded, that it made a ghost part in the .craft file. It's more trouble than its worth to try to fix it in a text editor :(

Edit: just noticed you were taking about the drill rig. If you mean the old drill then that's the culprit. It's not because its from the Kethane pack specifically it's because it is hard to place in general. So one time when you were trying to place it it looked liked failed, but actually party succeeded by adding the part link into the file without the actual part. From now on I'd recommend turning on part clipping when you want to install those drills

Edited by HoY
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Hey Majiir, I watched the recording from your recent stream and had a thought on your sparks emitter. I don't know whether this is possible, but have you tried swapping the vertical sparks over to a flattened toroidal emitter? That should allow you to drop the number of particles you need to spawn for a given visible effect, instead of spawning the majority inside the mesh where players can't see them. That might not work best for the "sideways" sparks, but it seems like it would be an improvement for the others. Another possible change is to maybe rotate that emitter based on the angle between the drill's ray vector and the ground's normal vector, so the emissions spawn from the ground and travel relative to the drill's direction? Maybe alter the stretch dimensions based on an "arccos(drillray:groundnorm)" function to more closely fit the drill's arm?

Apologies if these are not possible. I don't know Unity or KSP's limitations in regards to these but if you can emit from a sphere, I figure a torus is a possibility. And if you can apply stretch transforms, I figure that rotations are also possible. The only part I'm really uncertain of is obtaining the ground normal vector and rotating to match it...

Regardless, this is a great mod that expands KSP in a way that likely won't see any significant developer attentions for a while yet, and I appreciate the work you and others have put into getting Kethane as well developed as it already is.

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The longer story is that the new scans will be stored in the deposit save file. The new scan format is a bitmask where each bit represents whether a cell has been scanned. (There's code for converting these bitmasks into cell coordinates and finding the deposits underneath.) So, if you were so inclined, you could build a tool that reads old 2D scan maps and converts them to geodesic grid maps.

Does this mean that the map will update itself as deposits are depleted? Mixed feelings, though overall I think it's a good thing, just think of it as the operation that depletes the deposit registers an update to the database. Updating a map when a deposit was depleted using the old system was a pain, I usually deleted the map just so that I'd know when I had scanned enough to have an accurate map again.

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Hey Majiir, I watched the recording from your recent stream and had a thought on your sparks emitter. I don't know whether this is possible, but have you tried swapping the vertical sparks over to a flattened toroidal emitter? That should allow you to drop the number of particles you need to spawn for a given visible effect, instead of spawning the majority inside the mesh where players can't see them. That might not work best for the "sideways" sparks, but it seems like it would be an improvement for the others. Another possible change is to maybe rotate that emitter based on the angle between the drill's ray vector and the ground's normal vector, so the emissions spawn from the ground and travel relative to the drill's direction? Maybe alter the stretch dimensions based on an "arccos(drillray:groundnorm)" function to more closely fit the drill's arm?

Apologies if these are not possible. I don't know Unity or KSP's limitations in regards to these but if you can emit from a sphere, I figure a torus is a possibility. And if you can apply stretch transforms, I figure that rotations are also possible. The only part I'm really uncertain of is obtaining the ground normal vector and rotating to match it...

Regardless, this is a great mod that expands KSP in a way that likely won't see any significant developer attentions for a while yet, and I appreciate the work you and others have put into getting Kethane as well developed as it already is.

All of that is possible, and those are good ideas. It'll take a bit of time, though, because Unity's particle systems are much less flexible when working entirely through code. The only emitter I can manipulate is a mesh emitter, which means I need to manually (or procedurally) build any mesh I want to emit from. Right now, I'm using the Unity sphere primitive for the emitter.

Do you have a planned time to make another dev stream? That last one was cool.

This time I suggest to do something with the geodesic map or something like that

I expect the geodesic grid will be ready for release before I can do another dev stream. Maybe I'll do another stream on Tuesday and make it a weekly thing.

Does this mean that the map will update itself as deposits are depleted? Mixed feelings, though overall I think it's a good thing, just think of it as the operation that depletes the deposit registers an update to the database. Updating a map when a deposit was depleted using the old system was a pain, I usually deleted the map just so that I'd know when I had scanned enough to have an accurate map again.

Yes. The deposit will still show up, but the color will update and the deposit will appear depleted. I can add a check to make it more obvious when a deposit is really totally gone.

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I expect the geodesic grid will be ready for release before I can do another dev stream. Maybe I'll do another stream on Tuesday and make it a weekly thing.

Can I read into this far more than I legally should and (thus) make hopeful comments about 0.7 being released on/before Tuesday, then? :sticktongue:

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Hello world bug comes up if a part link in the .craft file isn't connected at a proper location. There's a good chance that the last time you had that craft open and tried to install something in symmetry, but appeared to have failed but then tried again and succeeded, that it made a ghost part in the .craft file. It's more trouble than its worth to try to fix it in a text editor :(

Edit: just noticed you were taking about the drill rig. If you mean the old drill then that's the culprit. It's not because its from the Kethane pack specifically it's because it is hard to place in general. So one time when you were trying to place it it looked liked failed, but actually party succeeded by adding the part link into the file without the actual part. From now on I'd recommend turning on part clipping when you want to install those drills

I don't have any old kethane mods. This is the first time using it, you are correct though I did try to attach it and it went bonkers. Can I fix this issue or do I just have to dump the whole game and start over again, or just dump kethane0.6.1 as its the only mod this happens with.(for me)

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I don't have any old kethane mods. This is the first time using it, you are correct though I did try to attach it and it went bonkers. Can I fix this issue or do I just have to dump the whole game and start over again, or just dump kethane0.6.1 as its the only mod this happens with.(for me)

Read HoY's post again, he is correct.

Also he was not talking about old versions of kethane, he was referring to the smaller of the 2 drilling units. Your problem is one with KSP not kethane. Just delete the craft that was causing the issues and rebuild it from scratch. And like HoY said its a real good idea to use part clipping for those small drills, they can be a pain to place otherwise, and this wont happen either, probably.

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Can I read into this far more than I legally should and (thus) make hopeful comments about 0.7 being released on/before Tuesday, then? :sticktongue:


What program was Majiir using to edit the .cfg on tuesdays stream?

EDIT: Visual Studio?

Yep, VS2010. I use it for programming, but it also makes a good text editor.

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