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Camera orientation issues with chase/body after undocking


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win10 | CPU:  I7-11800H | GPU:  RTX3070 Laptop GPU | RAM16GB


After undocking from a vessel, the chase camera and body (called locked in KSP1) camera are incorrectly orientated on the roll axis, making the craft difficult to orient and translate.

In the example in the attached pictures, the camera appears to be rotated about 90 degrees on the roll axis, and so yawing to the right while giving the expected behavior on the navball, it appears as if the craft has pitched downwards. This makes eva construction rather more difficult that it needs to be!




Included Attachments:


Edited by Spicat
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I forgot to mention, the normal behavoir for the body (locked) camera when panning to the left or right rotates the camera on the roll axis; however when this bug occurs, panning the camera behaves like it does with the automatic camera, rotating around the ship about the yaw axis.

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