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I can't seem to completely disable "Sticky Keys"

Captain Wolf

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I'm using shift and control for the throttle.  I always have sticky keys disabled because I have never used them.  Still, when I hit the shift button five times, I am asked if I want sticky keys.  I click no.  But the next time that shift is pressed five times, I am asked again.  I have been to accessibility / keyboard several times.  Sticky keys is disabled.  But how do we disable being asked if we want to enable it all the time?  Is there a fix for this?  If not, I don't mind rebinding the keys either.  This is more of a windows question than a KSP issue.  Advice?

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Which version of windows are you on?  In Windows 10 settings/accessibility/keyboard there's a checkbox to turn of the "Shift five times" shortcut.  On Windows 7 or 8 you might have to click on the "set up sticky keys" link in order to turn off the "shift five times" shortcut.  (I have no experience with Windows 11.)

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