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[QUESTION] How to calculate trusters velocity.

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Hi again... so, im just gonna go right at it, is there any kind of thing that points how fast is my Ship going? I don't want how fast the 'body' is, i wan't how fast the Trusters are. I don't know if i am making myself understand, i just can't find the right words. I hope you understand. It's pretty mutch like cars. I wan't something that tells me how fast my engine is working... or something like that. Im sorry for my english. Thanks! :D

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I see what you mean now, but you can't really measure a rocket in something like maximum speed; outside the atmosphere, it depends solely on how much fuel you have-you could reach near light speed with a standard engine if you had enough fuel. You can see the thrust of the boosters when building the rocket, but that doesn't really tell you very much.

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