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I will return to KSP2 later. I will still like it, maybe after version

yijian huang

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To be honest, after For Science release (version, KSP2 is still so buggy:

dv is not refreshed and displayed correctly in VAB.

overheat happens well above Kerbin atomsphere, and finally my solar panel overheats and explodes ...

the manuever node is so hard to use, that I cannot plan a circle low orbit in KSP2, as someone who has played KSP1 for over 100 hours

it is hard to find the option button to warp time on the orbit line .

the estimated orbit after a  future manuever, does not show AP, PE altitutes by default. I need click and pin the AP, PE numbers in the labels by myself.  If I move out of orbit mode and come back to orbit mode, I have to pin the labels of AP,PE numbers again myself.  Can we just always show the AP, PE numbers by default, critical for orbit accuracy.

When I warp time to an anticipated point inside Mun capture, the time passes well after Mun capture, and my ship leaves Mun...


I will go to KSP1, Juno for now.  But, I will still like KSP2 and keep it silently in my Steam repository, becuase I loved KSP1. Maybe months later, I will return. 

Please, significantly improve the gameplay experience and robustness of KSP2. Please just learn from KSP1 (a successful story we should keep), and keep that high level.


Edited by yijian huang
Fix spelling errors, and refine wording.
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