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Missing separators in engine part statistics/description ["Max Thrust1 atm", "Max ThrustVac.", "ISP1 atm", and "ISPVac."]


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Wine 9.0-rc3 on Linux | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 | GPU: NVIDIA 3060 Ti | RAM32GB


In the VAB, when hovering over an engine part in the part picker to display its information, the Max Thrust and ISP labels seem to be missing parentheses or some other sort of separator, with "1 atm" and "Vac." running into the category labels.

Severity: Low

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Enter the VAB.
  2. Hover the mouse over an engine part in the part picker.
  3. Observe the category labels under the "Statistics" section.

Expected behavior: "1 atm" and "Vac." are set off from "Max Thrust" and "ISP" with parentheses or some other separator.

Observed behavior: The labels read "Max Thrust1 atm", "Max ThrustVac.", "ISP1 atm", and "ISPVac.", with no such separator.


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Edited by Spicat
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