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KAL 1000 Controllers play in Editor, but not in the game


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I'm attempting to make an ejection seat, and I want it to have the 3 components activate with a slight timing. I have it set to 1 second with the parachute activating at the very end and the decoupler activating at the start with the sepratron. When I'm in the SPH, it plays fine, but when I click launch and try to click "play" it says playing, but the timer thing doesn't move.

I tried changing the priority a bunch and it didn't do anything. Any suggestions help, thanks.

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Welcome to the KSP Forums @tdog!

I'm not very familiar with the KAL1000, hopefully someone else will check in.

First of all, a screenshot of your vessel would be useful.

Next, I'm wondering if the part of the vessel you are having problems with has a control module?  I could be wrong, but the way you described it, the seat decouples first, and the parachute deploys last?

If the seat has decoupled, but no longer has a control module, then that may interfere with KAL functions.  Note, I think a Kerbal occupying a 'Lawn Chair' seat should count as a 'control module'.  Just in case, for testing, try adding a small Probe Core to your ejection seat, and see if that fixes the problem.

Here's another possibility:  When you 'eject', you end up with two vessels (the ejection seat assembly, and the airplane or ship).  After starting the 'ejection' sequence, which part does the game maintain focus on?  The ejection seat or the plane/ship?  If the game is maintaining focus on the main plane, that could also interfere with the KAL function.

One more thing to try:  Re-Root your plane or ship so that a part of the ejection seat is the Root part.

Good Luck!

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