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Nearby Vessels List Menu

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There should be menu that can be brought up in the Flight view that displays a list of nearby objects/vessels and their relative distance to the current craft.   Each list entry would provide options to "set target" or "control".    The list could be filtered to only include crafts within a defined distance, perhaps determined by the quality of onboard radar, antenna, or some other sciency doodad. 

The sweetest extension of this would be to incorporate the suggested "Picture in Picture" feature and be able to select a nearby target to View in a child window--which would make targeting a specific docking port a breeze. 

My use case: 

I am building "reusable" rockets to push space station components into orbit.  When you undock a payload, in my case a refueling pod or space station component, you have to retarget the space station when you take control of the payload craft.  If the space station is a bit too far away to be selected directly from the flight view, you have to go back to the MAP view and try to locate the space station and retarget it, which can be tedious when you have a lot of staged debris and crafts near your rendezvous point. 



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