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Shielded docking port should be able to survive ascent heating on SSTO Spaceplanes

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Having built a number of SSTO Spaceplane style craft of various size categories, all designed to dock in orbit to other craft, my main gripe is that the Clamp-O-Tron Shielded cannot survive ascent heating, it explodes around ~750m/s @ ~6km altitude, given that there is no integrated docking port for the Mk3 Spaceplane parts, I would assume that this docking port is what fills that part's niche but given it's current temperature rating, or the game's current heat tuning it fails to fulfill the requirements for that. To me, lower atmosphere heating seems correctly tuned, and the upper atmosphere is what needs work, so my suggestion is to raise the Clamp-O-Tron Shielded's temperature rating from 1200K to 1500K to match the Mk3 "Condor" Spaceplane cockpit it seems this docking port was designed for.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same here. I can't a plane into orbit without losing the shielded docking port off the nose. Is there a way to add a config file that will override the default temperature rating? I used to edit asset files in KSP1 from time to time to "tune" little things like this.

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