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Game continues to use 100% GPU while paused, despite showing a static image.


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 Home | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2400G | GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6700 | RAM32GB


Consider the scenario: you're playing KSP2 and in the middle of something, but it's time to prepare the dinner, or do something else that takes a bit of time.

I could save my position and then shut the game down, but it's a lot more convenient to just leave it in paused mode.

However, when I do that, the task manager tells me that KSP2 is still using nearly 100% GPU, and a fair chunk of CPU too, despite it showing a static image.

Of course, if I use the mouse to pan the view around it's not static anymore, so _just_ showing a static image won't work in all situations.

However, it would be really nice if the game could go into some low-power mode when there's literally nothing changing on screen, and no time passing to necessitate game state being updated.

Not having any experience in 3D game development, I have no idea how hard that is to do, but I'm filing this bug just in case it's really easy - it could save a lot of power.


Edited by DibzNr
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