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Vessels remain loaded in background when switching to buildings, causing rovers to roll away


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i5 | GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 | RAM16GB

I noticed that the game does not unload the scene when switching between flying/tracking station/mission control which I think is smart. But: after I landed my rover on  a hill on eeloo and switched to R&D after applying brakes (i thought) i could see (Thanks to the buggy menu background) that the rover was rolling away. In fact, It could have crashed and exploded while I was in this menu and be completely unaware of that. I can even rotate the camera with the left mouse button while in the menu! I wonder if the explosion sound would play. I would say this is a bug and that the physics of crafts on planetary surfaces should be frozen while the screen is covered with menus.

Concerning the menu background bug: This is probably my own fault to some degree as I set the display resolution manually in a config file, since I am playing on a widescreen monitor and ksp2 only supports a limited number of default resolutions (why? :( )

Reproduce by:

  1. Setting resolution to widescreen by editing C:\Users\THEUSER\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Global\Settings.json ("ScreenResolution":"3440x1440" in my case)
  2. drive a rover across any planet
  3. swich directly to R&D menu and scroll all the way to the right: The craft is displayed and camera controls are working, craft may be rolling!

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