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Making feul tanks (Semi) procedural

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In the current game there already are a lot of fuel tanks. This mainly is because there need to be multiple fuel tanks from (Almost) every diameter. In the future we will get even more fuel which can make finding the right tank a pain. Therefor I tank fuel tanks should become procedural. This will give the player more customizability options, while also limiting part count and making some gameplay aspects (like fuel transfer and part searching) easier.

Here the suggestion on how to do It:

fuel tanks: 
•    regular round tanks: procedural in length (smooth) and width (stepwise: xs,s,m,l,xl)
          o    maybe for tanks add sizes: sm, ml and xxl
•    MK2/MK3: procedural in length
•    MK2/MK3 to regular round adapter: en length procedural and regular round side in width 
•    Droptank: procedural in length (smooth) and width (stepwise xs,s,m,l,xl)
•    Please add nose cone tanks (procedural with and length)
•    Make part switcher between methane and metalox (can also be repeated for hydrogen/hydrolox)
          o    Slider for feul/oxidizer ratio: practically for engines that work with or without oxidizer
          o    No need anymore for methane only thanks 
          o    Tank automatically switches to type of detached engine (also be done manually if necceserry)


This approach will really limit the amount of fuel tanks needed and the pain of not having the fuel tank you want (problem for methane only tanks) or the right size. Also separate size adapter tanks would not be necessary anymore.

It would be cool if the DEVs would also make liquid fuel engines for hydrogen (or part switcher current engines), which would be very practically for places where methane is hard to come by. For hydrogen (maybe also methane) there could be three round tank options. Regular (hydrolox), regular (hydrogen) and deep space hydrogen (looks like current hydrogen tank, lighter but less strong. aerodynamic than regular)

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