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[1.12.5] Celestial Rescale (v1.0.0) - Rescale any Solar System!


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22 hours ago, Zaxxon said:

Thanks for making this mod!  Question: does this only change planet/moon sizes or does it also scale out the orbits?

I am trying to build a game setup that is like RO/RP1/RSS but be the Kerbin solar system instead of RSS.   If anyone has any tips for mods/mod setups, would love to hear them.  There are numerous offerings out there, but so far I'm struggling to get an overall setup that is as well polished and well rounded as RO/RP1/RSS Express setup.  This mod ends up funky with that mod, etc.

I don't necessarily need scale increased to 10x, but would like at least JNSQ standard scale.  Having some trouble getting JNSQ to work right with some of the other mods -- JNSQ hasn't been updated for a few years.   Also, somewhat bigger than standard JNSQ would be desired, but JNSQ size does work will if sticking with stock balanced parts.  There are mods to make stock parts work well with 10x, but many 3rd part parts aren't going to be changed right and would balance better to JNSQ standard size - which I think is 2.7x.

FYI to those going large size like 10x but not doing the RSS thing - check out SMURFF app for fuel tank rebalancing to larger scale planets.  But with caution - it's no longer updated.  Maybe something else out there better now, but I found it useful for JNSQ 10x setup.

It scales planets, SOIs, orbits, and atmospheres.

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Thanks.  Does it change body's mass and/or surface gravity?

Have a request - A separate control for atmosphere scaling vs planet size, etc.  Example, it isn't always desired nor realistic for atmosphere/karman line to be 3x higher if making planet 3x larger radius.

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On 8/1/2024 at 7:24 AM, Zaxxon said:

Does it change body's mass and/or surface gravity?

Yes is changes both of those but surface gravity is by a smaller number

On 8/1/2024 at 7:24 AM, Zaxxon said:

Have a request - A separate control for atmosphere scaling vs planet size, etc.  Example, it isn't always desired nor realistic for atmosphere/karman line to be 3x higher if making planet 3x larger radius

That was already planned for so it should be added in the next update 

Edited by SpaceNerd24
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Update v0.3.4


  • Added config for atmoFactor which unless it is set to one will be the value that the atmosphere is scaled by. If set to zero the mod will automaticly set it to 3/4 of the scaleFactor
  • Slightly Improved terrain rescaling
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  • 4 weeks later...

Have been using the original Rescale configs by Galileo88, I plan on switching to this because their 10x configs have several surface-related issues such as not having ground contact despite being landed that this mod doesn't currently have. Will the terrain scaling be exactly or similar to the original so that any landed vehicles wouldn't be destroyed?

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5 hours ago, RedMelonShark said:

Have been using the original Rescale configs by Galileo88, I plan on switching to this because their 10x configs have several surface-related issues such as not having ground contact despite being landed that this mod doesn't currently have. Will the terrain scaling be exactly or similar to the original so that any landed vehicles wouldn't be destroyed?

I would be careful with switching mods because this and Rescale/Sigma Dimensions work differently, but I haven’t tested that so I don’t really know.

Edited by SpaceNerd24
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On 1/1/2025 at 1:04 PM, Gman54 said:

Is the offset factor proportional to scale factor? (If scale is set to 2.5 should off set be set to 2.5?)

No, the offset factor should get higher as the scale factor gets higher and as the scale factor gets lower it gets lower. (Sorry for long response time)

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  • 3 weeks later...

My KSC keeps being placed partly over the water. Changing the offset value seems to do nothing, "1; " "2; " "4; " "1;2" all gives the same results.  (no actual '' in the cfg)


I thought perhaps Kerbal Konstructs was affecting things but having removed it there's been no change. 


**Removing the semi-colon allowed for position adjustment! However, default of 1 results in KSC being halfway inland towards the mountains on a significant enough of a slope that, KSC being level, is fine on the west end but levitating several hundred feet on the east. 



Edited by y2kcobrar
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1 hour ago, y2kcobrar said:

My KSC keeps being placed partly over the water. Changing the offset value seems to do nothing, "1; " "2; " "4; " "1;2" all gives the same results.  (no actual '' in the cfg)


I thought perhaps Kerbal Konstructs was affecting things but having removed it there's been no change. 


**Removing the semi-colon allowed for position adjustment! However, default of 1 results in KSC being halfway inland towards the mountains on a significant enough of a slope that, KSC being level, is fine on the west end but levitating several hundred feet on the east. 



I believe this is due to the "decal" not being moved along with the KSC (that's the little land patch it sits on.

FWIW, I think SigmaDimensions won't have this issue.  Although the codebase there is somewhat older (and I thus wish this author nothing but success), it does work pretty well.

Edited by R-T-B
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In addition, I've been playing with the OffsetFactor line in the cfg, it seems that any semicolon or comma after the first number invalidates the entire line and KSC spawns in the default position, which at 2.5X is just hanging halfway over the water.  Is there no way to vertically offset the KSC? I'm six +0.1 increments and this seems to be as good as I can get. U9qqR4g.png

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Sooo, THIS happens when simulating a flight from the SPH... I don't even know where to start lol




And this happened when actually launching from the SPH/Runway. Mun was not like that during previous flights from the VAB,






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On 2/12/2025 at 10:24 AM, y2kcobrar said:

Is there no way to vertically offset the KSC? I'm six +0.1 increments and this seems to be as good as I can get. 

As of right now there isnt a way to do that though I am going to add something like that eventually. 

On 2/12/2025 at 12:33 PM, y2kcobrar said:

Sooo, THIS happens when simulating a flight from the SPH... I don't even know where to start lol




And this happened when actually launching from the SPH/Runway. Mun was not like that during previous flights from the VAB,






Would you mind sending your logs or creating an issue on the Github page so I can find the problem? 

Edited by SpaceNerd24
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/24/2025 at 6:14 PM, unpluggedlamp said:

can i add this to an existing save? also what are the differences between this and rescale/sigma dimensions?

You can add it to an existing save but any vehicles that are close/on to planets may be clipped into the planet. As for the differences between this and sigma dimensions is just the way the rescaling works the end result is hopefully the same.

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14 hours ago, SpaceNerd24 said:

You can add it to an existing save but any vehicles that are close/on to planets may be clipped into the planet. As for the differences between this and sigma dimensions is just the way the rescaling works the end result is hopefully the same.

I see. Thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update v1.0.0

- Removed OffsetFactor in favor of the new system.
- Changed the way terrain scaling worked
- Added a UI accessed by Alt+C or the Icon.
- Added Open Config button.
- Added a way to view ScaleFactor, Version, and AtmoFactor through the UI
- Fixed bug where oceans would disappear.

Available on GitHub and SpaceDock.

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