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Bug report: Jeb freezes after two steps on EVA

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Good evening,


I’ve got Jeb on EVA on Tylo. My aim was a little off on landing, so he has about a 5km walk back to his landing craft to get back to orbit. I walked to the objective without issue, did some science, planted a flag, and then turned around to return. I made it about half way, and then jeb froze; everything else in the game continued normally with the exception of the direction indicator above the Navball which rotates. I saved and reloaded and was able to take two steps. Jeb froze. I cycled to 4x time warp and back to 1x. Jeb was able to take two steps, then froze. I reduced all graphics settings to minimum, saved, reloaded. Same result. I’ve also tried cycling to the tracking station and back with the same result. I can take two steps essentially infinitely by cycling to 2x time warp and back to one when he freezes, but it would take hours to get back to my ship now 2.5 km away. If I turn back towards the signal point, I can run normally. This bug makes the Tylo mission nearly unplayable. (Nearly because if my precision landing was better this wouldn’t be an issue.) 

Separately, this game has been a lot of fun since the for science update. Please keep up the great work. I’m looking forward to seeing where we’re at in a year!

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