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Orbioter lander relay not working

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Im not very familiar with relay antenna and am having a connection issue to a lander. I have an orbiter lander pair around Vall. The small lander was attached the entire ride but the second i detach it, it lose comms and control. The orbiter has a communotron 88-88 and a RA-2 relay antenna while the lander has a communotron  16. My understanding was that with 88-88 would providing connection to Kerbin the RA-2 relay would be able to communicate with the Lander and give it connection to Kerbin. Do I need a relay on the lander or do I need a relay antenna powerful enough to reach Kerbin on its own? 

Edited by TeaRex
didnt finish text
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The lander can use a direct antenna, but the orbiter needs to have a strong enough relay antenna to bounce that signal to Kerbin. And with a single orbiter it will only be able to transmit when the orbiter can see both Kerbin and the lander. If either is in radio shadow then no connection can be made.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You’re misunderstanding what direct and relay antennae do. They are calculated separately by the game so a powerful direct antenna with a weak relay antenna won’t help you.

A direct antenna can only provide a signal for the vessel it’s attached to. To relay a signal from Jool you’d need an RA-100 relay antenna on the orbiter.

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