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IPR 1: From Kerbin to (At Least) Duna in 85 Parts!


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This is my first attempt at something that goes interplanetary, and it turned out pretty well.

The landing on Duna was okay, although I did knock the MMI engine off by accident since the landing site was on a steep hill.

This rocket is not designed to return to Kerbin.




Mods used: MechJeb, Mechanical Mouse Industries Satellite Pack.

Instructions for flight:

Stage 8 (Ascent Stage). Engage MechJeb Kill-rot, apply full throttle for the first 5 seconds during launch before decreasing throttle about 2 notches. Hold throttle there until fuel has been spent.

Stage 7-5 (Circularizing Stage). Decouple, cut throttle and engage SRBs. After SRBs are spent decouple them. Circularize orbit after reaching Apoapsis using Rockomax Mainsail. If you're like me you'll use any extra fuel from this stage to help Stage 4-3's journey.

Stage 4-3 (Interplanetary Stage). Decouple and A. increase orbit to transfer to Mun/Minmus. B. Escape Kerbin's gravitational pull and perform an injection burn to another planet.

Stage 2-0 (Lander Stage). Decouple from the Interplanetary stage after reaching a suborbital trajectory with the body in question. Perform landing according to your standards. Parachute recommended if landing on Eve, Duna, Laythe, or Kerbin.

Edited by Steamtex
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