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Is there a planned release date for KSP 2 on console?


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I do own a computer, but it isn't very good and can really only run KSP 1 with a few mods like astronomers visual pack and waterfall. I have a next gen console that would work much better for KSP 2.  So I just want to know if there has been any planned release date from the devs.

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Which will realistically be launched on whatever the next-next gen consoles are. Console generations tend to hang around for about a decade*, and we're approaching four years on the current generation. With the rate we're chewing through the current roadmap, we're looking at another 4 years of development just on that, and that's assuming nothing else gets brought in that shifts the schedule or expands things - Its very likely we see a prolonged performance enhancer patch before multiplayer judging by all the systems they've identified they want to replace already. Then there's whatever ends up being done after Multiplayer on the roadmap, before things finally lock down at 1.0.

At that point, the current console generation is likely to be on its last couple years, pushing the hardware to the limits. Meanwhile, KSP2 will be a game that is significantly bigger than what we already have, which already struggles on hardware that outclasses the current generation consoles by a comfortable margin. The innate performance optimization opportunities of Consoles will help, but its entirely plausible that the game simply can't run acceptably on a PS5 by that point. At the same time, the successor generation of consoles would be on the horizon - or even out if a major hardware shift brought them into play early, never know with tech. Regardless of what the nature of the innovation is, they'll be years stronger than the existing machines, and would probably handle it fine.

I guess where I'm going with all this is don't hold your hopes on the idea that the next gen console will get you the KSP2 experience you want, nor will the opportunity to test that theory appear anytime soon.

*Modern mid cycle refreshes might confuse this, the console space is slowly becoming more PC-Like in many regards which has been fascinating to watch. But we can hardly estimate timelines off of "And then the entire paradigm changed"

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