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Custom Parts model not showing up

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Hello World! I have no idea if this is the right category, but i will try looking for help here.

Me and my friend who are new to modding are currently trying to add a gnome that could be used as an RTG into our modded install as a joke.
It eventually became slightly serious, and we managed to nail the .cfg, but we're unable to get the model working. We exported the model from blender in .MU and .PNG, and then converted the .PNG to .DDS.
The part file we put int he structural parts section of Squad.

If any of ya could give any suggestions to make it work, or help me get it up and running, that would be great. Ive provided KSP.log, but i couldnt find output_log.txt if thats alright. 

If you ened anything else form me like screenshots for more information, ill try to provide it in the drive. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rc-LGpdrl0l6EmK6L0UtUxzlgTIlcABX?usp=sharing

Thanks in advance!

Edited by HoriginKSP
Additional Information in how the model was exported.
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