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Realism Overhaul - Lead Ballast in Avionics?


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How might I put some ballast at the tippy top of my rocket?  I'm following these instructions to make a V-2.  Building a Downrange Rocket · KSP-RO/RP-1 Wiki · GitHub  As the tutorial notes correctly, it's no longer possible to add lead ballast to an avionics nose cone.  I've played way too much KSP w/o RO (on my Xbox, not on PC), so I know I could add "dead weight" to the bow of my rocket in many ways.  However, I'm new to RO and it seems delicate (like real life).  So, what should I do?  How do I get more mass the front of my rocket to add stability?



Update -- actually, I'm not sure at all how to add dead weight in RO.  If this was stock, I would add batteries, or excess fuel in a fuel tank.  But I'm not sure how to do either of those here.

Edited by BenKerman
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All fuel tanks can accept lead ballast, so you could add the ballast to the same tank as the sounding rocket payload (adjusting size and utilisation to fit).

And yes batteries (especially in the early game) are heavy in RO, so adding extra battery capacity to the avionics nose cone would also make the nose heavier. The downside is that battery capacity is more expensive than lead ballast, although as it's further forward, less mass is needed.

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