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Pioneer III interplanetary mission

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Pioneer III is the first mission with kerbals outside of Kerbins sphere of influence (Pioneer I and II were concepts)

It is made out of three spacecraft:

-„Bouffi” interplanetary mothership 

 -It has a crew of four who live in a big inflatable hab module

-It is propelled by a liquid methane engine

-Theres science equipment in it

-Its goal is to get the crew and the Grasshopper into Duna orbit and back


-„Grasshopper” Ike lander

-It is a lander with a crew of two, and a lot of science equipment 

-It is carried by the Bouffi

-It has a probe core for SAS without a pilot


-Ikea cargo lander

-It is a cargo lander which transports surface science and a rover in a cargo container which can be assembled on Ike's surface

-It travels separately from the Bouffi and the Grasshopper and has his own transfer stage



It's my first interplanetary mission so I hope it goes well:).


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Before the more exciting missions we need to start with more boring ones. Today we are going to get Bobgel T. Kerman and Bill Kerman back from Asteroid Sidke (I named it after a kerbal in Bartdon papers) with an Aquila spacecraft.


The Aphrodite-1B rocket sits on the launchpad.


Liftoff, we have a liftoff!


Booster sep.


First stage sep.




The second stage performs a Hohmann-transfer.


Successful randevou. 


Bobgel performs an EVA to get into the Aquila.


By the time Bill got into the spacecraft the sun has settled.


At the periapsis they re-light the Aquila's engine for a deorbit burn.


Atmospheric reentry.


The chutes have deployed.


Splashdown! Another successful mission.

Here's a little sneak-peak of the Bouffi





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One more boring mission:

The return of the crew of Minmus Station


Here's the Aquila SB undocking from Minmus station. In the middle you can see the core laboratory, on the left the service module and finally on the top the Mentos-2 Minmus lander.


Escape burn from Minmus.


Kerbin deorbit burn.


The Aquila enters Kerbin's atmosphere.


And successful splashdown.

Teaser image of the next launch:





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Today we are going to launch the Bouffi Service Compartment


The brand new Aphrodite-5B with the Bouffi SC sits on the max upgraded launchpad.


It's six powerful kickback boosters roar to life as the rocket ascends.


The boosters separate and the two bobcats and four thuds ignite.


First stage separation.

Sadly, I forgot to take a picture of the circulization burn.


And the Bouffi SC is on a stable orbit around Kerbin.

Teaser image for next launch:





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Today we are going to launch the Bouffi Crew Compartment on an Aphrodite-5B.




Booster sep


First stage sep (this rocket is absolutely overbuilt for this mission, at this time it had like an apoapsis of 300 km)


Circulization burn


After getting into orbit the second stage relights it's engine for a Hohmann-transfer.


Hard dock confirmed. The CC has docked the SC.

In the next mission we are going to get the kerbals on the ship.

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I have brought two kerbals onto the Bouffi and I have inflated the hab module and putted some struts on it to make the docking more rigid.

Anyways I might upgrade the Aquila SB with RCS so it can dock more easily to big spacecrafts.

I will post on the weekend.

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Bad english
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In today's launch we are going to deliver the first droptank/booster to the Bouffi


3...2...1 aaand


Booster ingnition


Booster sep


MECO and first stage sep


Circulization burn


Hohmann transfer to the Bouffi


When I was approaching the Bouffi a strange bug occurred where I could see the kerbals that were in the Bouffi while piloting the drop tank.



I docked at a bad angle because the monoprop fuel was not enough for a good docking.

Next launch will probably be a monoprop tanker to refuel the drop tank, and then dock again in the good angle.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's the monoprop tanker that was launched to save the Bouffi DT-1. It also carried an airlock for the Bouffi.


Here it is docked together. The lander can next to the cupola is the airlock. On the airlock there are two cameras to broadcast the view from the Bouffi.


And the DT is perfectly aligned with the Bouffi. While repositioning it I realised that it was hibernated and that was the reason for the bad docking.

Next I will probably launch the IKEA cargo lander to Kerbol orbit.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Today I launched the IKEA cargo lander to Duna and then Ike orbit.


The Aphrodite-4S lights it's huge main, and four little booster engines.


Booster sep.


Here it is ascending through the atmosphere.


MECO and first stage sep.


It lights it's two terriers for a circulization burn.


After some time in orbit it relights them for the Kerbin escape burn.


Trans Dunar injection with the methane transfer stage.


Duna capture burn.


Ike Hohmann-transfer.


Ike capture burn.


And it's on a stable orbit around Ike.



Next will be the Bouffi DT-2 launch.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Here's the almost complete Bouffi. We just need the Grasshopper.


After some "docking mishaps" the Grasshopper destroyed two of the large solar panels. (I am not too good at docking with RCS :() And it's own panels too. I've replaced them with the four small solar panels from the monoprop tanker. 

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Today we ferry Jebediah Bob and Bobgel T. Kerman to the Bouffi. We use the brand new Aquila-T4 fitted with RCS on top of an Aphrodite-1B.


After a successful liftoff and booster sep, it is performing it's orbital insertion.


And it is docked. Jeb, Bob and Bobgel get into the Bouffi and Maxpond gets into the Aquila. The final crew of the Bouffi is Jebediah Kerman (Pilot), Bobgel T. Kerman (Co-pilot), Bill Kerman (Engineer) and Bob Kerman (Scientist).




Service module separation.


Atmospheric reentry.

And successful mission.

(No image of landing :()

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After many years of construction the last stage of the Aphrodite-5B attached to the Bouffi propells it to an orbit around Kerbol.


The last stage separates and the two Buzzard liquid methane engines light, becuse the Bouffi performs the end of the burn.


The Bouffi left the Sphere of influence of Kerbin. This is footage from one of the onboard cameras.





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Later Bob got out to get the science samples from the instruments in the middle of the Boufi. When he wanted to go back inside his hands were full. Because of that, he asked Jeb to open the door. Here is the conversation between them:

Bob: -I got the samples. Could you open the door Jeb?

Jeb: - (in a robotic voice) Sorry Bob, but i'm afraid i cannot do that. Beep-boop.

Bob: -Jeb!

Jeb: -Okay, i'm opening it.

Bob: -Thanks.




Some time later the Bouffi started its engines for a Dunar injection.


Here they are arriving to Duna.


Bobgel: -Misson control we are starting our engines for the Duna retro burn.

Bill: -Do you now that they are only going to hear this 20 minutes later?

Bobgel: -Stay quiet!


Jeb: -Mission control we have arrived to the red planet.




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  • 3 weeks later...

After waiting in high Duna orbit, the Bouffi's crew started to prepare for the Ike landing. First they loaded the fuel from DT-2 to DT-1 because they would use the DT-1 like a tug for the Grasshopper.


After the loading procedure was finished they detached the now empty DT-2.


Later the DT-1 got detached and Bill got out for a spacewalk to reposition the docking port from the side to the top.

Bill: -I have moved the docking port.

Bobgel: -It is wery off-centered.

Bill: -How do you see that?

Bobgel: -I'm in the cupola.

Bill: -I think it's good enough. Jeb will controll it remotely, he can compensate this with the reaction wheels.

Bobgel: -Okay fine.


Bob: -Dedocking from the Bouffi.

-After some time_



Bill: -We have a hard dock with the DT-1!

Jeb: -Is everything nominal?

Bill: -Yes, but i think one of our landing legs is a bit rotated. It's like if a Kraken grabbed it and twisted it a little bit.

Bobgel: -That is not wery likely, but ok.

Jeb: -The next step will be the Ike injection in T-45 minutes.


(sadly i just have a picture when the engine is shutting down.)

Bob: -Okay we are shutting down the Buzzard engine.

Bill: -How does our orbit looks?

Jeb: -You have a nice intercept with Ike. You will be arriving in a day.

Bill: -Got it.


Bob: -Burning retrograde for a capture.

Bill: -Everything is nominal.



The Grasshopper has arrived to Ike and performed science in Ike orbit. Next will be the landing.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

After conducting orbit science the Grasshopper goes for de-orbit.


Bob: -Propellant flow nominal, engine startup.

Bill: -We have ignition of DT-1. Trajectory nominal.

Bill: -End of burn, throttling down.



Bob: -Horizontal speed: 3-2-1m/s.

Bill: -Engine shutdown, DT-1 pitch program.




Bill: -Burning for zero vertical velocity.



Bob: -Vertical velocity zero. DT-1 zero fuel. 

Bill: -Separation, RCS online, Grasshopper pitch program begins.







Bob: -We have hard contact. I repeat we have hard contact.


I would like to thank everyone who has liked the reports it really motivates me to write more. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

-----------------Mission Control----------------

Gene Kerman: -Okay, last checks. Are we going for IKEA deorbit?

Wernher Von Kerman: -Probe guidence GO!

Linus Kerman: -Science instruments GO!

Gus Kerman: -Trajectory GO!

Walt Kerman: -Live stream on!

Gene Kerman: -Okay, sending de-orbit command. The first telemetry data will arrive in 30 minutes.

------------------30 mins. later------------------

Linus Kerman: -We are getting the data. We have a confirmed touchdown on Ike with the IKEA probe!




Linus Kerman: -We have 50 meters distance from the Grasshopper.

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  • 1 month later...

Gene Kerman: - Hello kastronauts this is today's 7 am message. In the Bouffi Jeb and Bobgel will continue high Duna orbit research. On Ike's surface today is takeoff day. Before takeoff Bill will need to strip down all of the detachable small science instruments, their data needs to be transported to the cockpit. After the Grasshopper reached low Ike orbit Bill can detach one of the solar panels, and the four landing legs. After that the Grasshopper can continue the rendezvous with the Bouffi. We are waiting for a response  in two hours at 9 am.

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  • 2 weeks later...

---------------------2 pm--------------------

Jeb: -Mission control this is Jebediah Kerman speaking from the bridge if the Bouffi. We haven't had any serious anomalies, the Bouffi's antenna just malfunctioned. We had a flawless docking, and we have all the science and crew on board. More info will be sent by Bobgel 1 hour from now on. Bouffi out.




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  • 3 weeks later...

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