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When deltaV calculations involve mind reading...


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"Well, lads, smoke 'em if you got 'em. We're going to be crashing into Jool in a few days - we're out of fuel"
"No we're not, we've got 350t of fuel in the tank at the front of the ship. Let's just flip the tank around, redock it and fuel up?"
"Oh, we could totally do that... but without fuel, we can't plan for that"

"Things are going to get mighty bumpy for a while and then we might crash and explode"
"But I don't wanna explode; can't you just tap the RCS thruster in 2d 41m 50s?"
"I could, but we're out of methalox"
"RCS don't use methalox"
"Look, you know that, I know that, but _do they know that_?"
"Boy, sure would be nice if we had some grenades"

Giving me feedback that I'm not looking like I can make a burn/turn/alteration is nice. But telling me I can't *plan* anything because I have no fuel could easily be a Windows Vista feature.

I know they're called Maneuver Nodes, but they are also defacto timeline markers, especially when you're flying multiple vessels concurrently.

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