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Color Maps not correctly loading/transparent ground

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So, I'm currently working on a planet pack for KSP but on both terrestrial bodies I've added so far the ground is transparent when I'm within below ScaledSpace and PQS "fadeStart". The problem has been for two months now and I've tried multiple things that haven't worked. So if possible, I'd like your help regarding this situation.

Here's some screenshots of the ground:




And here are the config files:

        name = Verlod
			exportMesh = true
			update = true
		cacheFile = OPKNS/Cache/Verlod.bin
            name = Kerbin
			removeAllPQSMods = true
			removeOcean = true
            displayName = #LOC_OPKNS_dspn_0002
            description = #LOC_OPKNS_celDesc_0002
            radius = 4137531
            geeASL = 0.71
            mass = 1.792E+24
            rotates = True
            rotationPeriod = 66420
            tidallyLocked = False
            isHomeWorld = True
            referenceBody = Sun
            color = 0.25, 0.4, 0.5, 1
            inclination = 3.789227183
            eccentricity = 0.022409
            semiMajorAxis = 189989295803
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 47.3
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0.87
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            enabled =	True			
            oxygen =	True			
            altitude =	72000			
            adiabaticIndex =	1.40			
            atmosphereMolarMass =	0.02897			
            temperatureSeaLevel =	281			
            staticPressureASL =	1.10444E+02			
                key =	0	273	0.00000E+00	-5.35664E-03
                key =	3547	254	-5.35664E-03	-7.41457E-03
                key =	6649	231	-7.41457E-03	-6.03693E-03
                key =	9465	214	-6.03693E-03	-2.26244E-03
                key =	12117	208	-2.26244E-03	3.82409E-04
                key =	14732	209	3.82409E-04	1.87829E-03
                key =	17394	214	1.87829E-03	2.18579E-03
                key =	20139	220	2.18579E-03	2.46566E-03
                key =	22978	227	2.46566E-03	2.71370E-03
                key =	25926	235	2.71370E-03	3.25415E-03
                key =	28999	245	3.25415E-03	3.73367E-03
                key =	32213	257	3.73367E-03	2.98418E-03
                key =	35564	267	2.98418E-03	0.00000E+00
                key =	38967	267	0.00000E+00	-3.61882E-03
                key =	42283	255	-3.61882E-03	-3.47771E-03
                key =	45446	244	-3.47771E-03	-3.31345E-03
                key =	48464	234	-3.31345E-03	-3.46380E-03
                key =	51351	224	-3.46380E-03	-3.24558E-03
                key =	54124	215	-3.24558E-03	-2.61292E-03
                key =	56803	208	-2.61292E-03	-2.30858E-03
                key =	59402	202	-2.30858E-03	-2.37436E-03
                key =	61929	196	-2.37436E-03	-2.02429E-03
                key =	64399	191	-2.02429E-03	-1.23609E-03
                key =	66826	188	-1.23609E-03	-4.15800E-04
                key =	69231	187	-4.15800E-04	0.00000E+00
                key =	72000	187	0.00000E+00	0.00000E+00			
                key =	0	1.000	0.00000E+00	-9.27544E-05
                key =	3547	0.671	-9.27544E-05	-1.33785E-04
                key =	6649	0.256	-1.33785E-04	-1.30327E-04
                key =	9465	-0.111	-1.30327E-04	-6.97587E-05
                key =	12117	-0.296	-6.97587E-05	1.30019E-05
                key =	14732	-0.262	1.30019E-05	4.54545E-05
                key =	17394	-0.141	4.54545E-05	6.01093E-05
                key =	20139	0.024	6.01093E-05	6.02325E-05
                key =	22978	0.195	6.02325E-05	4.68114E-05
                key =	25926	0.333	4.68114E-05	2.14774E-05
                key =	28999	0.399	2.14774E-05	-9.95644E-06
                key =	32213	0.367	-9.95644E-06	-3.07371E-05
                key =	35564	0.264	-3.07371E-05	-4.17279E-05
                key =	38967	0.122	-4.17279E-05	-4.40290E-05
                key =	42283	-0.024	-4.40290E-05	-3.73064E-05
                key =	45446	-0.142	-3.73064E-05	-1.88867E-05
                key =	48464	-0.199	-1.88867E-05	3.11742E-06
                key =	51351	-0.190	3.11742E-06	1.26217E-05
                key =	54124	-0.155	1.26217E-05	1.97835E-05
                key =	56803	-0.102	1.97835E-05	2.42401E-05
                key =	59402	-0.039	2.42401E-05	2.69094E-05
                key =	61929	0.029	2.69094E-05	2.59109E-05
                key =	64399	0.093	2.59109E-05	2.26617E-05
                key =	66826	0.148	2.26617E-05	1.58004E-05
                key =	69231	0.186	1.58004E-05	5.05598E-06
                key =	72000	0.200	5.05598E-06	0.00000E+00				
                key =	0	8.48	0	0
                key =	38	0	-0.4298	-0.4298
                key =	90	-31.52	-0.6981	0
                key =	0	17	0	0
                key =	38	14.46	-0.1289	-0.1289
                key =	90	5	-0.2094	0
                key =	0	8.47	0	-0.2035
                key =	36	0	-0.2515	-0.2515
                key =	126	-14.41	0	0
                key =	216	0	0.2515	0.2515
                key =	306	14.41	0	0
                key =	360	8.47	-0.2035	0
                key =	0	0	0	0
                key =	38	0.5	0.02	0.02
                key =	90	1	0	0
                key =	0	0	0	0				
                key =	0	1.10444E+02	0.00000E+00	-1.79290E-02
                key =	3547	6.21074E+01	-1.09323E-02	-1.09323E-02
                key =	6649	3.49255E+01	-6.84346E-03	-6.84346E-03
                key =	9465	1.96401E+01	-4.19919E-03	-4.19919E-03
                key =	12117	1.10444E+01	-2.44019E-03	-2.44019E-03
                key =	14732	6.21074E+00	-1.36545E-03	-1.36545E-03
                key =	17394	3.49255E+00	-7.45607E-04	-7.45607E-04
                key =	20139	1.96401E+00	-4.06181E-04	-4.06181E-04
                key =	22978	1.10444E+00	-2.20493E-04	-2.20493E-04
                key =	25926	6.21074E-01	-1.19244E-04	-1.19244E-04
                key =	28999	3.49255E-01	-6.42447E-05	-6.42447E-05
                key =	32213	1.96401E-01	-3.44630E-05	-3.44630E-05
                key =	35564	1.10444E-01	-1.87155E-05	-1.87155E-05
                key =	38967	6.21074E-02	-1.05693E-05	-1.05693E-05
                key =	42283	3.49255E-02	-6.23607E-06	-6.23607E-06
                key =	45446	1.96401E-02	-3.67891E-06	-3.67891E-06
                key =	48464	1.10444E-02	-2.16678E-06	-2.16678E-06
                key =	51351	6.21074E-03	-1.27203E-06	-1.27203E-06
                key =	54124	3.49255E-03	-7.42697E-07	-7.42697E-07
                key =	56803	1.96401E-03	-4.31357E-07	-4.31357E-07
                key =	59402	1.10444E-03	-2.49896E-07	-2.49896E-07
                key =	61929	6.21074E-04	-1.44222E-07	-1.44222E-07
                key =	64399	3.49255E-04	-8.28002E-08	-8.28002E-08
                key =	66826	1.96401E-04	-4.72197E-08	-4.72197E-08
                key =	69231	1.10444E-04	-2.67112E-08	-2.67112E-08
                key =	72000	0.00000E+00	0.00000E+00	0.00000E+00			
                DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll = False
                doScale = False
                waveLength = 1,0.584615588,0.396153271,1
                samples = 2
                innerRadiusMult = 0.9563388
                outerRadiusMult = 1.045001
                transformScale = 1.095,1.095,1.095
            type = Atmospheric
            fadeStart = 35000
            fadeEnd = 80000

                texture = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/Verlod00.dds
            	normals = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/VerlodNormal.dds
				color = 1,1,1,1
                specColor = 0.75,0.75,0.75,1
                shininess = 0.17
            	rimPower = 1.5
                rimBlend = 0.75

                    0.0 = 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1
                    0.2 = 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 1
                    0.6 = 0,0,0,0
                    0.4 = 0,0,0,0
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 8
			minDetailDistance = 6
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			fadeStart = 80000
			fadeEnd = 250000
			deactivateAltitude = 265000
			materialType = AtmosphericTriplanarZoomRotation
			allowFootprints = True
				saturation = 1
				contrast = 1.35
				tintColor = 1,1,1,0
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 20000
				steepTexStart = 0
				steepTexEnd = 20000
				steepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_rock00
				steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/Cliff (Layered Rock)_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 25000
				steepTiling = 25
				deepTex = BUILTIN/eveLowSand_diffuse
				deepBumpMap = BUILTIN/eveSand_nrm
				deepNearTiling = 50000
				deepMultiFactor = 50
				deepBumpNearTiling = 50000
				deepBumpFarTiling = 50
				lowTex = BUILTIN/eveLowSand_diffuse
				lowBumpMap = BUILTIN/eveSand_nrm
				lowNearTiling = 50000
				lowMultiFactor = 50
				lowBumpNearTiling = 50000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 50
				midTex = BUILTIN/gillyHighTerrain
				midBumpMap = BUILTIN/eveSand_nrm
				midNearTiling = 50000
				midMultiFactor = 50
				midBumpNearTiling = 50000
				midBumpFarTiling = 50
				highTex = BUILTIN/gillyHighTerrain
				highBumpMap = BUILTIN/eveSand_nrm
				highNearTiling = 50000
				highMultiFactor = 50
				highBumpNearTiling = 50000
				highBumpFarTiling = 50		
				lowStart = -1
				lowEnd = -1
				highStart = 1
				highEnd = 1
				globalDensity = 1
				planetOpacity = 255
					map = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/VerlodHeight.dds
					offset = 0
					deformity = 7281
					scaleDeformityByRadius = False
					order = 10
					enabled = True
					seed = 132562
					deformity = 75
					octaves = 8
					persistence = 0.5
					frequency = 24
					enabled = true
					order = 20
					seed = 342988
					deformity = 128
					octaves = 8
					persistence = 0.5
					frequency = 4
					enabled = true
					order = 30
					deformity = 315
					ridgedAddFrequency = 32
					ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
					ridgedAddOctaves = 8
					ridgedAddSeed = 438274
					ridgedMode = Low
					ridgedSubFrequency = 32
					ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
					ridgedSubOctaves = 8
					ridgedSubSeed = 749998
					simplexFrequency = 24
					simplexHeightEnd = 10000
					simplexHeightStart = 0
					simplexOctaves = 8
					simplexPersistence = 0.5
					simplexSeed = 80070
					order = 40
					enabled = True
						key = 0 0 0 0
						key = 0.6311918 0.4490898 1.432598 1.432598
						key = 1 1 0 0
					map = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/VerlodColor.dds
					order = 50
					enabled = True
					debugOrientated = False
					frameDelta = 1
					randomizeOnSphere = False
					reorientToSphere = True
					reorientFinalAngle = -15
					reorientInitialUp = 0,1,0
						latitude = -7
            			longitude = 23.1082296
					repositionRadiusOffset = 42.7000007629395
					repositionToSphere = True
					repositionToSphereSurface = False
					repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = False
					commnetStation = True
					isKSC = True
					order = 100
					enabled = True
					name = KSC
							visibleRange = 50000
							scale = 0,0,0
							delete = False
					altitudeBlend = 0
					altitudeFrequency = 1
					altitudeOctaves = 1
					altitudePersistance = 1
					altitudeSeed = 1
					createColors = true
					createScatter = True
					latitudeBlend = 0
					latitudeFrequency = 1
					latitudeOctaves = 1
					latitudePersistance = 1
					latitudeSeed = 1
					longitudeBlend = 0
					longitudeFrequency = 1
					longitudeOctaves = 1
					longitudePersistance = 1
					longitudeSeed = 1
					useHeightMap = False
					vHeightMax = 10000
					order = 999999
					enabled = True
						frequency = 1
						octaves = 1
						persistence = 1
						frequency = 1
						octaves = 1
						persistence = 1
						frequency = 1
						octaves = 1
						persistence = 1
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0,0,0,0
							coverageBlend = 0
							coverageFrequency = 1
							coverageOctaves = 1
							coveragePersistance = 1
							coverageSeed = 1
							name = VerlodBase
							latDelta = 1
							latitudeDouble = False
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0
							noiseBlend = 0
							noiseColor = 0,0,0,0
							noiseFrequency = 1
							noiseOctaves = 1
							noisePersistance = 1
							noiseSeed = 1
							delete = False
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 1
								startEnd = 0
								startStart = 0
								frequency = 1
								octaves = 1
								persistence = 1
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 1
								startEnd = 0
								startStart = 0
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 1
								startEnd = 0
								startStart = 0
								endEnd = 2
								endStart = 2
								startEnd = -1
								startStart = -1
								frequency = 1
								octaves = 1
								persistence = 1
            latitude = -7
            longitude = -53.1082296
            decalLatitude = -7
            decalLongitude = 23.1082296
            lodvisibleRangeMultiplier = 1
            reorientInitialUp = 0,1,0
            reorientFinalAngle = -20
            reorientToSphere = True
            radius = 16000
			repositionRadiusOffset = 42.7000007629395
			repositionToSphere = True
			repositionToSphereSurface = True
			repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = False
            heightMapDefomity = 180
            absoluteOffset = 70
            absolute = true
	useOnDemand = true
        name = Viopra

			exportMesh = true
			update = true
		cacheFile = OPKNS/Cache/Viopra.bin		
            name = Gilly
			removeAllPQSMods = true
			displayName = #LOC_OPKNS_dspn_0004
			description = #LOC_OPKNS_celDesc_0004
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 338 675 1350 2700 5400 10800 21600
			radius = 16539
			mass = 1.4669241E+17 
			tidallyLocked = True	
			sphereOfInfluence = 86605			
            referenceBody = Reatu
            color = #7a6f6f
            inclination = 0.035
            eccentricity = 0.0000003818493
            semiMajorAxis = 391000000
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 69.291
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 17.9382
            epoch = 0
			fadeStart = 5000
			fadeEnd = 15000
				texture = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/ViopraColor.dds
		        normals = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/ViopraNormal.dds
			fadeStart = 15000
			fadeEnd = 27250
			deactivateAltitude = 27500
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 8
			minDetailDistance = 6
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03			
			materialType = AtmosphericExtra
			allowFootprints = True
				factor = 8
				factorBlendWidth = 0.05
				factorRotation = 75
				saturation = 1
				contrast = 1
				tintColor = 1,1,1,0
				specularColor = 0.188235298,0.188235298,0.188235298,1
				albedoBrightness = 1
				steepPower = 1.5
				steepTexStart = 30000
				steepTexEnd = 60000
				steepTex = BUILTIN/MunCliff [Diffuse]
				steepTexScale = 1,1
				steepTexOffset = 0,0
				steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/MunCliff [Normal]
				steepBumpMapScale = 1,1
				steepBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				steepNearTiling = 500
				steepTiling = 350
				lowTexScale = 1,1
				lowTexOffset = 0,0
				lowTiling = 1
				midTex = BUILTIN/MunFloor [Diffuse]
				midTexScale = 1,1
				midTexOffset = 0,0
				midTiling = 150000
				midBumpMap = BUILTIN/MunFloor [Normal]
				midBumpMapScale = 1,1
				midBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				midBumpTiling = 150000
				highTexScale = 1,1
				highTexOffset = 0,0
				highTiling = 1.5
				lowStart = -1
				lowEnd = -1
				highStart = 1
				highEnd = 1
				globalDensity = 1
				fogColorRampScale = 1,1
				fogColorRampOffset = 0,0
				planetOpacity = 1
					map = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/ViopraHeight.dds
					offset = 0
					deformity = 1712
					scaleDeformityByRadius = False
					order = 10
					enabled = True
					deformity = 16
					frequency = 4.5
					octaves = 12
					persistence = 0.5
					seed = 7901832
					noiseType = RidgedMultifractal
					mode = Low
					lacunarity = 2.5
					order = 20
					enabled = True
                    map = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/ViopraColor.dds
                    order = 30
                    enabled = True
					altitudeBlend = 0
					altitudeFrequency = 1
					altitudeOctaves = 1
					altitudePersistance = 1
					altitudeSeed = 1
					createColors = False
					createScatter = True
					latitudeBlend = 0
					latitudeFrequency = 1
					latitudeOctaves = 1
					latitudePersistance = 1
					latitudeSeed = 1
					longitudeBlend = 0
					longitudeFrequency = 1
					longitudeOctaves = 1
					longitudePersistance = 1
					longitudeSeed = 1
					useHeightMap = False
					vHeightMax = 10000
					order = 999999
					enabled = True
						frequency = 1
						octaves = 1
						persistence = 1
						frequency = 1
						octaves = 1
						persistence = 1
						frequency = 1
						octaves = 1
						persistence = 1
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0,0,0,0
							coverageBlend = 0
							coverageFrequency = 1
							coverageOctaves = 1
							coveragePersistance = 1
							coverageSeed = 1
							name = Base
							latDelta = 1
							latitudeDouble = False
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0
							noiseBlend = 0
							noiseColor = 0,0,0,0
							noiseFrequency = 1
							noiseOctaves = 1
							noisePersistance = 1
							noiseSeed = 1
							delete = False
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 1
								startEnd = 0
								startStart = 0
								frequency = 1
								octaves = 1
								persistence = 1
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 1
								startEnd = 0
								startStart = 0
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 1
								startEnd = 0
								startStart = 0
								endEnd = 2
								endStart = 2
								startEnd = -1
								startStart = -1
								frequency = 1
								octaves = 1
								persistence = 1

	useOnDemand = true


Edited by Oprissmian
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2 hours ago, jebmothman said:

are you talking about ScaledVersion color or PQS color? I can't see the screenshots

I can't tell for sure. When I view the planets from the map view or the tracking station they have their color. The main problem is that once I get below the ScaledVersion "fadeStart", the ground becomes transparent unless I'm directly on it.

Example: For Viopra, ScaledVersion "fadeStart" is at 5000 meters altitude. Once my orbit gets below 5000 meters, the ground just becomes transparent.

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On 5/5/2024 at 6:05 AM, jebmothman said:

make sure your fadeStart and fadeEnd for PQS and one of the Scaledversion nodes are the same and then delete the cache and reload, maybe that'll fix it?

Did that multiple times and it didn't work, I'm gonna try a few other things now.

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