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GPU crash to black screen when completing missions

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OS: Windows 10
CPU: AMD  Ryzen 7 2700X
RAM: 16 GB


So my GPU will crash to black screen/no  input requiring a hard reset  to restore it when clicking through the dialog after completing a mission, usually when hitting the over and out button and the thank you science screen opens.  it doesn't seem to do  it if i let the dialog play out but  if i spam the gotcha button it will 90% of the time.   I have ran memory test, reinstalled KSP2 and updated my GPU drivers.   the game runs just fine and some lower settings i see 50+FPS.  I  never had this problem before and the optimization of the game had come a long way since it was first out.   i do see 99% GPU usage in mission control so maybe its that.  No idea  what to do now and i cant see any  logs because the hard reset needed  after the crash.  the only event viewer that  i see is iommu fault reporting has been initialized but the memory test was clean.  Thanks in advance for any help. 

*edit  just tried game resolution  in borderless mode and did not get the same  crash.  my  desktop resolution is 2560x1080.  ive tried  running the game  at  stretched 1920X1080  and edited json 2560x1080.   both  seem to produced the crash but i hadent tried  borderless wich makse  the game  letterbox  on the sides.   so it may be a problem with the game  switching resolutions.

*edit   No it  still crashes in  borderless.  is there a crash log or something i can see  to tell whats  going on. 

Edited by Stuck_on_Eve
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