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Comm Network Problems

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Hey Kerballers, I'm just coming back to the game after 6 years and going kind of hard mode (Kerbalism, Remote Tech, among others).  I'm now trying to setup a comm relay network so I can fly probes to the Mun and Minmus but I can't get them to communicate with each other.

I've got a probe with with a Stayputnik, a Communotron 16-S so I have range to KSC while launching up to 600KM, an HG-5 High Gain Antenna for longer range relay, and powered by a Kerbalism Fuel Cell since I have not yet gotten solar panels.  Communication with KSC is fine until the probe leaves line of sight, communication between the probes works up until the probes are more than 1.5 MM apart.  The HG-5 is deployed and the Fuel Cell has active power, but for some reason the HG-5 is not relaying between the probe connected to KSC and the probe more than 1.5 MM away.

I'm sure I'm missing something simple with how KSP or Remote Tech has changed in the past 6 years (or just bad memory).  I've tried searching on this issue but I can't quite dig this specific issue from the other questions on comm networks.  Thanks for any help you can provide!

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It must be some issue with Remote Tech, pull that out and the basic comm net works fine with the HG-5.  I thought there was some reason I liked Remote Tech better, but I guess I'll have to go without.

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