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So I'd like to present the log as follow.

[LOG 16:26:59.089] ******* Log Initiated for Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer x64) zh-cn *******
Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer x64) zh-cn


Another strange situation: The Taskmanager crash too after I shut Ksp64.exe down. Some function of windows system were also infulenced.

Edited by totor_o
full log file snipped.
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Welcome to the forum @totor_o,

You are not in any trouble at all but we must snip the he full log of your problem because long posts cause issues for the forum, particularly for mobile users so please upload your logs to services like google docs or any other document storage site and link to them here in the forum. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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On 7/14/2024 at 6:27 PM, James Kerman said:

Welcome to the forum @totor_o,

You are not in any trouble at all but we must snip the he full log of your problem because long posts cause issues for the forum, particularly for mobile users so please upload your logs to services like google docs or any other document storage site and link to them here in the forum. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Oh, I am absouluetely new here! Sorry for the inconvenience.

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