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KSP'ers new and old, come say hello :D


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New to KSP but already addicted. After playing Silent Hunter forever, I originally passed over KSP due to the cartoony astronauts. I had no idea what I was missing! After 3 days, I've landed a probe on Mun and performed a rendezvous and dock in Kerbal orbit, so I'm pretty excited. This weekend begins my quest to put a Kerbal on the Mun!

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I've been playing KSP for several months, but I only just now got a forum account. I will admit I'm not that good at the game, so I'll be spending lots of time in tutorials/spacecraft excange. I'm probably shooting too high for a terrible player, but my next project is sending a research craft to Jool and its moons. Cheers!

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I've been playing since shortly after .19, but just got on the forum. I got a taste of the demo for about 5 minute, and knew I had to buy the game. It's logged more hours in Steam than FTL and Fallout New Vegas, combined.

I was a total rocket fanatic as a kid, and loved building Estes rockets and playing with mounting D-engines on Knex-framed cars, and KSP has brought all of that early fascination and awe, not to mention delicious geeking out on space flight, right back into my life. Love the game, been reading forum articles since day one and dig the community, too.

I recently completed a grueling recreation of the Saturn V, with a Mech-Jeb-for-VAB-stats-only rule in place, and the only other mods B9 and Lazor docking. Matched the stage numbers, engine count, and lem extraction to a T, and only lost 3 Kerbals in testing when the escape trunk malfunctioned. Holy moly- going from gluing the Estes Saturn V together in 7th grade, to meticulously adjusting weight and geometry to struggle against the odds of putting a 3 man crew into Lunar Orbit, that's a real thrill. I took some awesome screen shots, and since .20 wiped my mod and save files, I'm interested in starting another personal challenge- take advantage of the new one-man lander can, and try a permadeth, mod-free, stage for stage, engine for engine recreation of the failed Soviet N-1 rocket and LK lander. Wish me luck!

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Made a post introducing my self earlier but thought I'd comment here as well. I just joined the forum yesterday, but have been playing KSP since about the end of March. Apparently I downloaded the .16 demo some time ago (July 2011 apparently) though I didn't play it much until I downloaded the .18 demo towards the end of March this year. Then I bought the game on my birthday in April. Needless to say I'm hooked. If I can't go to space my self this is the next best thing lol. Would be awesome if the game was compatible with oculus rift, or even with the anaglyph glasses it'd be kinda cool. Anyway I look forward to all the new things to come in the future as well as maybe helping people newer to the game than my self.

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Guess I could do the meet and greet. Have only been lurking around since 0.11, so it could be argued that it's about time. So without further ado, "Hai guise! o/" :P

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Hi everyone! I'm pretty new... I've been playing for a few months. I found the game because of Scott Manley's awesome videos, and I love it! I've been out and about in the Kerbol system, but I have yet to touch down on Tylo, Moho, and Eeloo, and I still can't dock for the life of me... My favorite things to do in-game are to make fancy futuristic things and put them on roleplaying missions, and I love colonizing planets. Sooo... Hi! :D

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I just got KSP the other day and I'm having loads of fun with it. I saw it when it first came on Steam, but either there was no demo or I didn't notice there was one so I didn't buy it. A couple days ago, Node, a youtube channel I subscribe to, published a video with the guys from Corridor Digital and Freddiew playing KSP in a "LAN Party" and I couldn't resist. I have since built several rockets and I think I have one that may make it to the mün!

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Well, I'm finally back from doing other stuff and ready to blow up some more rockets. :D

It looks like I've got some catching up to do, the 0.20 update looks pretty good, can't wait to start planting flags.

Most of my posts are gone, but, oh well.

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Hello everybody :)

I started to play KSP few weeks ago so i think it's time to join Kerbal society :D

Well, it's not best time to play this game for me now because its really addicting and I need to finish university in two weeks from now :D

Anyway, even if I am new here I already made few successful missions. Few static or moving probes on surfaces in many planets. And now I'm working on Mun Base Alpha :)

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Had the game since 0.8 or 0.9 can't exactly remember which. didn't have much time to devote to it and had problems with unity not getting on with my antivirus, problem now solved and am trying to work out how to run a space program on just electricity for fun

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Hi, finally got my kerbal on the moon with no mods... and stranded him there because the fuel ran out on landing, and utterly failed at contructing larger rockets as the stack connector keep failing. Now just building unmanned rockets to test the limits. managed to hit 1.6Km/s within atmosphere, and it started lighting up with air resistance before exploding. LOL.

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Hi fellow kerbalnauts,

I am playing KSP since 0.18 very close to 0.19 update. It makes realy much fun to play ans send the Kerbals in to Space and back. Looking forward to the continuing progress oft the game.

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Hi everyone! I've been playing KSP since 0.19 and I've been loving it, and that's without even adding any mods, so I thought I would finally join the forums and get involved in this great community!

Also dare I asked what happened that caused everyone to lose their forum accounts?

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Hi Guys after seeing a few Videos on YouTube I bought KSP off Steam. After killing 33 Kerbals I got my 1st Kerben Space Station up :)

(I wander if I should change my Mission Ribbon)

Edit: Spelling Errors :D

Edited by Lawthfar
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