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Kerbal Infinity

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This mod adds as many as 4 solar systems, 3 Quasi-planets and a sea of planets to your game!

  • Jimol is a B-type main sequence star, it has as many as 5 Planets!
  • Kernar - This star resembles the sun in all its appearance, it has 3 planets!
  • Olimio - An orange dwarf with majestic rings
  • Auar - A binary star system consisting of an orange dwarf and a yellow dwarf has 3 planets

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In SpaceDock

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last update : 0.2


Dependencies - Kopernicus

Support - Skatterer

Kerbal Infinity uses a MIT License

Good Luck :) !

Edited by Planetary
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Update 0.2 is already complete!  :)

Update Log:

Auar B renamed to Pyrox

added several planets planets to the Auar system

added  quasi-planet

A small screenshot



Good luck! :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 03.09.2024 at 14:36, Captain Mathus said:

кто-нибудь знает, совместимо ли это с OPM и системой Kcalbeloh? Я всегда ищу новые места для посещения моими kerbals.

yes, this mod is compatible with OPM, but I haven't checked with Kcalbeloh yet


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18 hours ago, Planetary said:

yes, this mod is compatible with OPM, but I haven't checked with Kcalbeloh yet


i did a test install and the systems mostly seemed to work but i had some weird texture issue with the QP system being solid black with no textures but im not sure if that was a conflict or if i installed something wrong


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6 hours ago, Captain Mathus said:

я выполнил тестовую установку, и системы в основном, казалось, работали, но у меня была какая-то странная проблема с текстурами: система QP была сплошной черной без текстур, но я не уверен, был ли это конфликт или я установил что-то не так


This is not a conflict with other mods, I explain: quasi-planets are not illuminated by stars, so they are all black :)

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