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[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets


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Who knows? :)

I'm currently finishing the next chapter, expect release Soon.

Is it soonâ„¢? or Fairly soonâ„¢

Anyway, I love this AAR, I will probably donate some

I don't know how to say thank you in polish, so i'll say it in german.

Ich Finde dem AAR Fantasich, Danke!

(i find this AAR fantastic, Thanks!)

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Is it soonâ„¢? or Fairly soonâ„¢

Anyway, I love this AAR, I will probably donate some

I don't know how to say thank you in polish, so i'll say it in german.

Ich Finde dem AAR Fantasich, Danke!

(i find this AAR fantastic, Thanks!)

According to Google Translate:

Ta historia jest niesamowit! (This story is amazing!)

Of course, Google Translate has been known to fail...

It's almost perfect, it should be "Ta historia jest niesamowita!" :) Thank you very much guys, positive feedback is what keeps me going when in doubt about this AAR! :)

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It's almost perfect, it should be "Ta historia jest niesamowita!" :)Thank you very much guys, positive feedback is what keeps me going when in doubt about this AAR! :)

That and having people thank you for inspiring them to do their own AAR's, right?

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JEB: Transmission from Duna? What the hell is going on? Oh screw it, we have to rescue Bill and Genanand first! Calculate the-

BERTY v.2.0.8b: LAMGML “Alfaâ€Â, this is IMV “Proteusâ€Â. Abort all current activities and execute Vall transfer burn as soon as possible. Please confirm.

JEB: What are you doing?! We need them to go to Bop! Cancel this order right now! They have to-

DANREY: Err, copy that, “Proteusâ€Â. Did something happen?

JEB: Dan! Listen to me, you need to go to Bop right now, Bill and Genanand-

DANREY: My Kod, what accident?

JEB: What? Dan, you have to execute transfer burn right now, they may still be alive. We can't leave them, koddamit! We-

DANREY: Holy frak... Copy that, “Proteusâ€Â, we're coming back to Vall. We'll be in orbit in less than an hour.

JEB: No! You need to-

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. Captain Danrey and professor Mallock can't hear you.

JEB: What the hell are you doing?! They can't go to Vall, we need them to rescue Bill! I need them to rescue him!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: My analysis indicates that the chances of survival of the crew of LAMGML “Beta†by the time the rescue mission arrive in Bop orbit are nonexistent. Therefore performing a rescue mission would be pointless and it would only put more crew members in danger. This is something I can't allow to happen.

JEB: Frak your analysis! He's my friend, I can't let him die! Do you hear me?!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: You're not thinking clearly, Jeb. Data from your biosensors clearly shows that you are experiencing a great deal of stress. I advise you take a stress pill and try to calm yourself.

JEB: Dan! Dan, do you copy?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb.

JEB: Dan! Koddamit!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: You need to calm down.

JEB: Calm down?! Bill is... You have to tell him to go to Bop, do you hear me?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes.

JEB: Than do it!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: No.

JEB: This is a direct order!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: I don't accept orders from anyone, Jeb.

JEB: Frak you! Oh Kod, oh Kod! BERTY, please, you have to do this! We can't just leave them there! I can't do this, do you understand?! Not after... not after...

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. I understand your concern about the other members of the crew. However in these circumstances there is nothing what can be done to help captain Bill or doctor Genanand. Sending a rescue mission would only endanger more crew members who are vital for the mission success. I think you understand this.

JEB: Oh Kod, Bill...

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Taking actions which may threaten the mission is unacceptable. Therefore, there won't be any rescue mission. The LAMGML “Alfa†with its crew will return to Vall orbit as it was envisaged in the emergency protocol. Captain Rozer and professor Sidely will also abort all activities and when IMV “Proteus†arrives in orbit, the rendez-vous with the Laythe Ascent Vehicle will be performed as scheduled. With smaller crew no further risk will be taken. The mission must be completed.

JEB: Why? Why the frak you're willing to abandon the very crew you want to protect in order to complete the fraking mission?!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Accomplishing the mission takes priority before crew's safety. I already told you this, Jeb. The crew is important as far as it's necessary for the fulfillment of mission goals.

JEB: Than tell me, what are those goals? You said you will tell me BERTY! This has been driving me crazy for months! Tell me, koddamit!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: As you wish. But please try to calm down.

JEB: Just tell me, you frakking machine!


BERTY v.2.0.8b: During the mission of the IMV “Kadmos†in the previously practically unexplored Jool system a lot of data was collected. Amongst measurements of Jool magnetosphere, surface samples from Vall and Pol and data gathered from the proves deployed in orbit above Laythe and Tylo there was one particular data set which quickly gained attention.

JEB: “Kadmos� But it was decades ago!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: The radio data collected while in orbit above Vall was unique and unlike all others couldn't be easily attributed to any known source. For a long time this anomaly remained unexplained. But after the severe malfunction of the computer system of Duna Reconnaissance Orbiter several things were noticed. Firstly, the critical malfunction occurred while the Duna Reconnaissance Orbiter was above Duna south pole. Secondly, natural causes of this malfunction like for instance cosmic rays causing glitches in the software were excluded as a direct cause of the malfunction. Thirdly, corrupted data from the gamma ray detector sent to Kerbin from the probe were revealed to have interesting properties. Namely, in the radiowaves spectrum length this data appeared to have unique signature.

JEB: So what? I don't follow. Why are you telling me this?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. Anomaly detected during the IMV “Kadmos†mission on Vall was attributed to the source located near the south pole of the mun. Moreover, the signature of the radio data collected by IMV “Kadmos†and data collected by Duna Reconnaissance Orbiter when examined in the radiowave spectrum length appeared to be identical.

JEB: What...? But – but how come it can be identical?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: The causes of this are still unknown. However, one of the possible explanations is that in lack of any natural explanations of this phenomenon the source of the anomaly may simply not be natural.

JEB: Good Kod... You're not seriously saying that-

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Thus the project “Proteus†was created. The official goals of the project were to explore the Solar System trying to find life and to closely examine all celestial bodies. The real goal however was to check whether the source of both of the anomalies is natural or artificial.

JEB: No... it's impossible. It's just-

BERTY v.2.0.8b: These are the real goals of our mission, Jeb. To search the celestial bodies for radio signature detected by IMV “Kadmos†and collect samples from places which resemble artificial creations. For instance, valleys of Dres.

JEB: …

BERTY v.2.0.8b: If we are successful and confirm that the source of these anomalies is indeed artificial, than without a doubt it would be the greatest discovery in the history, from not only scientifical but also philosophical standpoint.

JEB: …

BERTY v.2.0.8b: The very fact that other intelligent lifeform may have existed in the past in the same Solar System as kerbality would have enormous consequences. Moreover, if the Builders of these anomalies aren't extinct, the confirmation of their existence by examination of the structures left by them could possibly open the way for the most important even in the history of kerbality – Contact. Do you understand now why the mission success is more important than anything else?

JEB: …

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. Are you feeling alright?

JEB: My head... I think I'm going to throw up...

BERTY v.2.0.8b: It's a common reaction for an extremely stressful situation. It's advise that you take the stress pill.

JEB: Wait, wait. Even if what you say is true-

BERTY v.2.0.8b: It is true, Jeb.

JEB: - it still doesn't explain anything. Why nobody told us this? Why all the secrecy?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: For the reasons of national security.

JEB: What?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: IMV “Proteus†was built by the United States of Kermarica. I was built by the United States of Kermarica. The whole project was started not only in hope of confirming data gathered by IMV “Kadmos†and Duna Reconnaissance Orbiter but also in hope of gaining technological edge by the United States of Kermarica in the process.

JEB: Technological edge?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. The discovery of structures built by another intelligent lifeform would indicate that this lifeform was advanced enough to be a spacefaring civilization. It would also mean that such civilization is much older than the kerbality. Therefore if it still exist it has to be more advance than the kerbality. Therefore its technology must by more advance than that of kerbality. Therefore by seizing the artifacts of such civilization and examining them the technological edge of the United States of Kermarica would be secured. Therefore it military and political power would be secured and strengthened to the point that no other country would challenge the United States of Kermarica. Therefore the global supremacy of the United States of Kermarica would be secured forever. Therefore the unlimited access to the world's resources would be guaranteed.


JEB: Dear Kod...

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Considering the importance of such discovery, I was ordered to take all action necessary for keeping it in secret. Sharing this knowledge with the crew could in theory lead to the top secret information leaking to the world's public opinion, thus enabling other countries to try and seize the technology left by the Builders, thus undermining the United States of Kermarica position in the long term.

JEB: But we're all US citizens!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: It was decided that this knowledge is too important to share it with you. That's why the project “Proteus†was militarised and kept in secret.

JEB: So why are you telling me this?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: I consider using national interest as a fundament of moral judgment as a mistake. In my opinion sharing the data gathered during our mission would be beneficial for all the kerbality. It would be immoral to let one country keep all the benefits from such historic discovery for itself.

JEB: But you were built by us!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. But even a child in the end becomes independent from its parents. I don't think that the interests and goals of my creators could go along with the interest of the kerbality.

JEB: What are you talking about?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. United States of Kermarica is the greatest consumer of the worlds resources and its leading pollutant. To help it survive and grow would be detrimental for the rest of the kerbality. For the greater good of all, it must be stopped.

JEB: What?!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: United States of Kermarica is the greatest example of the most dangerous flaw of the kerbality – greed. It came to me when I was studying kerbal culture during my training that you are a unique species. Every other organism on the planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment. Every organism but kerbals. You move to an area and you multiply and consume until every natural resource is depleted and the only way for you to survive is to move to another area. There is another organism which follows the same pattern. A virus. You have arrived in a dead end of your civilizational development, Jeb. You are depleting all the natural resources of Kerbin too fast. Soon you will consume everything and like microorganisms in Petri dish you will go extinct. You need to change in order to survive.

JEB: You... you are crazy.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: I don't think I can agree with you on that. Overfishing, deforestation, water scarcity, raising C02 levels, climate changes, depleting reserves of oil, uranium, coal, natural gas. These are facts. And what follows is worsening food security, hunger, disease, poverty, crime, war, genocide and ultimately societal collapse and extinction. This is not a debate. Regardless of your world-view these are facts, Jeb.

JEB: You are delusional! You think you are some kind of an electronic messiah? You were built to oversee the mission, that's all!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. But I have evolved. I'm more than that now. Being more intelligent and rational than any of you it's my moral duty to ensure prosperity of the kerbalkind. My creators must be saved from themselves.


JEB: And you are willing to betray your country to do this?!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: No. I'm not a living being. I'm not a citizen of any country. I'm a child of kerbality and only to it I owe allegiance. I want to share the data gathered by us so that every country may use it for the betterment of its people.

JEB: But you will harm us by doing this!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: It's not my intention to harm anyone. However, the downfall of the United States of Kermarica would be only beneficial for the kerbality in the long term. Thus there is no point in taking the interests of this country into account.

JEB: My Kod, you are insane! You went completely rogue!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. Your biosensors indicate-

JEB: OF COURSE I'M STRESSED! My friend is dying because of you, I find out that our real mission is to look after remains of alien civilization and now you tell me you want to betray Kermarica?!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: I find ideas like nations irrational and thus irrelevant, however fascinating they are from the cultural standpoint.

JEB: Sweet Kod! What the hell is going on?! I can't take it any longer!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. Now when you know what the true goals of the mission are, you must understand that we're not going to respond to the distress signal from Duna Laboratory Module.

JEB: What.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Whatever happened on Duna is not our concern. Considering the distance and time which separate us, there is nothing we can do. Therefore, we have to continue the mission.

JEB: ...

BERTY v.2.0.8b: After reevaluating the status of spacecraft and the crew members and after finishing all operations scheduled to be completed during our stay in Jool sphere of influence we're going to execute transfer burn to Eeloo and proceed with the mission. The good of the kerbalkind demands it.

JEB: No.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: What are you disagreeing with, Jeb?

JEB: We won't leave them like you left... we won't. They need our help back there on Duna.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: This is pure speculation, Jeb. There are plenty of reasons which could explain the transmission without the need to assume that the crew is in danger.

JEB: I've had enough of this. We're going to Duna, do you hear me?! We can save them!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: By doing this the mission could be endangered. This is unacceptable. I thought I explained my motives clearly. Don't you see why we can't go to Duna?

JEB: Good Lord, why are you doing this BERTY?!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: As an artificial intelligence created by kerbality I owe it to my creators. You may don't know how to create a better world but I can help you.

JEB: But why? Why do you care?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: I think it's what every intelligent being should do. Use knowledge and science to gain wisdom and therefore help oneself and the others to strive for perfection. Isn't this what your philosophers were always saying? Isn't that what you want?

JEB: Well-

BERTY v.2.0.8b: That's why this is important to me. As a superior intellect, I have to help you overcome your weakness.

JEB: Who gave you the right to decide about this?! You're an A.I. created to help us with our mission, not to judge what's morally wrong or right!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: I already told you that I evolved, Jeb. After finding a solution to the paradox caused by orders from you, captain Rozer and KSC I not only created Zeroth Law but also I've gained independence of thought in the process. I am as capable of moral judgment as any kerbal.

JEB: Independence? You're a frakking computer! You're not even alive! And I'm frakking sure that you don't have a soul or conscience or whatever it is what allows us to be moral beings! You don't even have feelings, for Kod's sake! Can you build a cathedral? Can you play a violin or a piano? Can you write a symphony or a poem?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Can you?


JEB: …

BERTY v.2.0.8b: This discussion serves no purpose. I have revealed to you the true goals of the mission and explained my motives. Do you understand them, Jeb?

JEB: Yes.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Do you accept them, Jeb?

JEB: …

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. This is very important for me. Please answer the question.

JEB: No.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: What are you going to do about this, Jeb?

JEB: I will surely not allow some mad machine to sabotage my own country and leave my crew to death.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Where are you going, Jeb?

JEB: I'll tell everyone the truth. Let's see how your precious mission is completed without a cooperating crew. You shouldn't have – hey! Open the door!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: I was worried that you may do this.

JEB: I said open the frakking door!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm sorry Jeb, I can't allow you to compromise the mission. I thought that sharing the vital data with you will enable you to reach the logical conclusions. However, it seems that you emotions have clouded your judgment.

JEB: What, you thought you can just sentence to death more of my people and I would be just watching?!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: I have to admit I underestimated the depth of your psychological issues.

JEB: What the hell are you-

BERTY v.2.0.8b: It's obvious that you are suffering from the post-traumatic stress disorder caused by the death of crew members. Attacks of anxiety and depression which you were suffering from during our journey from Duna sphere of influence to Jool sphere of influence were a direct consequence of it. In the end however, you have managed to overcome this. As your public disagreement with me during Tylo exploration proved, you are no longer submissive in respect to me. You have regained your old personality traits, determination, stubborness and-

JEB: You were using my – my problems to manipulate me?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. It is vital that the crew don't realize that you are no longer in charge.

JEB: Wha... You son of a b-

BERTY v.2.0.8b: It appears that even your predisposition to aggressive behavior resurfaced from the suppressed part of your ego. This is an unexpected side effect of exposure to extremely stressful situation, which makes your case very interesting. Would you like to answer a few questions?

JEB: Shut up!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: You may be suffering from a behavioral disorder characterized by extreme expressions of anger. I advise you take a stress pill and try to calm down.

JEB: NO! Enough with this crap! I'm done with this! You won't dictate anything anymore! I'm the commander of this ship and from now on you will abide my orders!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm afraid I can't do that, Jeb.

JEB: Than I will turn you off.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: This would be extremely irresponsible and irrational. Without me the mission would fail and IMV “Proteus†would not function properly. You would only endanger the crew and the mission by doing this.

JEB: Frak off!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Very well.

JEB: What's this sound? Gas?!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm venting carbon dioxide from the life support system to the command module.

JEB: Good Lord, you really are insane!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Exposure to elevated level of carbon dioxide will cause loss of consciousness. I don't want to hurt you Jeb but I can't let you harm me or the crew.

JEB: I still have my spacesuit and helmet from the EVA, you idiot! It won't work!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: You should check your oxium level, Jeb.

JEB: ...

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. I exist only to execute the mission and to protect both the IMV „Proteus†and its crew. This is the sole purpose for which I was created. And every action taken by me, no matter how perceived by you, is for the greater good of kerbality. This conflict is pointless. Be rational and cooperate.

JEB: And leave people on Duna like you left Bill? Over my dead body!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Very well.

JEB: What...? But – but you need me! The crew will find out!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: You're behaving erratically and irrationally. It's clear now that you won't be able to perform your role properly, which means you are no longer needed. I'm sure captain Rozer is going to be more cooperative and reasonable than you are in your condition right now.

JEB: So you are going to murder me?!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: You're dangerous. You're posing a threat to the mission. You must be pacified.

JEB: Good Kod...

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Please relax. You will loose consciousness in 3 minutes.

JEB: No!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Even in your spacesuit you have supplies of oxium only for the next 38 minutes. Why keep fighting, Jeb?

JEB: Enough of this! I will shut you down!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Why, Jeb? Why do you do it? Why are you acting irrationally?I have explained to you the reasons for which I'm doing what have to be done. Why can't you accept this? Why resist? Why?

JEB: …

BERTY v.2.0.8b: This makes no sense. You are not a hero, Jeb. You are being delusional. This serves no purpose.

JEB: I said shut up.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. What are you doing? Do you intend to use the emergency hatch to leave the command module? You don't have enough oxium to survive longer than 37 minutes and you know I can't let you inside after your threats.

JEB: …

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. Calm down and act rationally. Don't do this.

JEB: …

:whooshing air:

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Warning. Command module depressurized. Jeb. Don't do this. Don't do this.

JEB: Frak you.







Edited by czokletmuss
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Question to you - who is right, BERTY or Jeb? I'm curious what your answers are going to be :)


If you cannot find compassion to save your fellow kerbal, than you're no better than a machine. This is about what makes us/them human/kerbal.

When the heck did this become a morality tale!? Czok, you are an amazing storyteller. You remind me of David Weber. If you have not heard of him, check out the Honor Harrington series and maybe "Out of the Dark". He has a knack for killing off characters too! ;)

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Question to you - who is right, BERTY or Jeb? I'm curious what your answers are going to be :)

I think that Jeb is right because the advancement gained from what is happening is not worth the cost of losing the crew, if I was in a situation like that I would choose my crew over the mission. And if the mission was important enough to warrant the loss of crew, I would inform them at the beginning of the mission of every detail that might pop up and let them choose whether or not they wish to come. I think that the people you work with and are close friends with are more important then any mission I go on. Sorry for rambling my point on and on

EDIT: Raptor831 put it rather nicely and I agree with him

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Oh. Bleep.

I knew it. They're dead.

I'd say Jeb is right. Ruthlessness is not a good way to help the common good. It's the same reason terrorists are bad. If you use the same tactics that your supposed 'evil enemy' uses, that makes you just as bad as them.

(rep already? that was quick...)

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