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[1.12.5] Part Tips - Open tooltips on existing parts


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Part Tips lets you open the stock part tooltip on parts that are already attached to a craft, even when in flight. 

It's useful for checking the electrical and thermal requirements of your ISRU parts, for example, or checking the limitations of the solar panels you picked out earlier, and whether they supply enough juice for your ISRU parts. It's a lot to keep that all in your head and it's inconvenient to search for the part again in the parts list when you need a reminder.

- To use it just click with the middle mouse button on a part; click again to toggle the extended info panel. You can click anywhere else with the middle mouse button or right mouse button to dismiss the tooltip. 

- When in the editor you can ALT+MMB click a part to quickly locate that part in the parts list. This can be useful if you'd like to compare a part to the alternatives and it pairs very well with VAB Organizer.

It should be compatible with any mods that affect parts after they've already been placed like RealFuels or TweakScale. You can close and re-open a tooltip to refresh the information.

The mod has no requirements.



SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3719/Part Tips
Github: https://github.com/Halbann/PartTips/releases




The complete source for Part Tips is available on Github:



Part Tips is distributed under the MIT license.


Edited by Halban
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Hi Halban.

i test the mod.

I didn't change any value. I mean the default "Mouse2" in the settings.cgf.

My MMB isn't working so i simulate it with cliking the MMB on the left side.

i checked the keybinding in the main interface of the game and didn't see any conflict.

In the VAB all is right : the double MMB for displaying info and with the ALT key to focus on the partlist.

But not working with a vessel loaded.




maybe useful :

in the game settings, layout tab, i choose "french azerty keyboard". Never have issue for years.

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Thanks very much. Waiting for it to be accepted to CKAN.

Would you mind sending a picture of what that purchase entry looks like? I've never really played much career mode so I'm not sure exactly what you're talking about. Is it to do with part upgrades?

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when you create a new game in carreer mode you can deactivate entry purchase


In this case you do not have to pay 7600 credits for unlocking the MK1-3 once you have the sciences points to get the corresponding node tech.

And when you build a rocket the mk1-3 still cost 3800 credits


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