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[WEB APP] Ribbon Generator [1.1.2] [ABANDONED]

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This mod is no longer developed. If you wish to continue developing it, just send me a private message and I will send you the source code for you to host/edit it. If you wish to manually create your ribbons, visit this link : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25188-Planet-Ribbons-Redux


Version 1.1.2


Ribbon's thread


What are these Ribbon things all about?

Basically, the ribbons are a way of bragging about the cool things you’ve done in KSP. They’re meant to emulate the Service Ribbons which are sewn onto the uniforms of military personnel to indicate the highlights of a service member’s career. In Kerbal Space Program, you give yourself ribbons based on doing interesting things throughout the planetary system. Common practice is to then insert the ribbons together as an image into your forum signature.

Why do I need to download and host my ribbons on an external website?

Because in the past, you could host your ribbons directly on the website were you generate your ribbons. And this happened:


My host asked me to reduced traffic or sanction would occur, so I took action to keep the generator alive.

What are specific Ribbons are awarded for?

A basic ribbon is awarded for entering the Sphere of Influence of each world. This means you earn the Kerbin ribbon automatically on your first launch. Each ribbon may have Devices on it, indicating what kind of things you’ve done near on each world or in it's orbit. Examples include establishing a polar orbit, landing, returning to Kerbin, or performing a rescue mission. For details, see the Rules page

How do I put an image in my signature?

First, generate your ribbons as one image using this website. After submitting your accomplishments, you’ll get a text box saying “Forum BBcode with a link to this pageâ€Â. Copy the text in the box.

While logged into the KSP forums, click on “Settings†on the top-right of the page. Scroll down to the “Edit Signature†link on the left side of the page. Paste in the code you copied earlier (make sure it’s on it’s own line) and save changes. Your ribbons will now appear at the bottom of your posts!

For the sake of forum readability, please don’t combine a ribbons collection with other multiple lines of text or images.

Why isn’t there a way to indicate how many times I’ve done something, or whether I’ve done something all stock, or...

People should give themselves ribbons according to what they think they’ve done fairly. Different players have different definitions of what’s fairly earned, and it’s not reasonable to expect one definition to be agreed on by everyone. There’s no distinction for doing something multiple times, since the hardest part is doing something for the first time, not doing it over and over.

If you’ve done something really unique and think it deserves a new decoration, post about it in the official KSP ribbon thread (Temporally here). These are very rarely added.

Who is responsible for all this?

The current generation of award ribbons was created by the forum user Unistrut in the thread “Planet Ribbonsâ€Â. Unistrut did all of the ribbon artwork as well as established rules for ribbons and devices. There was an earlier version of ribbons made by Cap’n Skunky back somewhere around KSP v. 0.13, though forum upgrades seem to have since eaten the post.

This website is currently designed and maintained by Moustachauve. He also pays for site hosting and associated bandwidth, so please donate. The server is hosted by HostPapa. If you have any problem with the generator, please post it on this thread.

Other community members have provided a lot of support in terms of suggestions, bug reports, design recommendations, and writing. The FAQ, Rules page, and other miscellaneous text were written by Zeroignite. Special thanks to TonboIV, who helped a lot to make sure everything is alright before each update.


1.1.1 and 1.1.2

- Multiple optimisation to reduce the "out of memory" error message

- New way of stocking images on the server to reduce database access

- Added a way to easily download the ribbons to your computer


- SSTO Wreath is now "Challenge Wreath"

- Meteor Device - Like Impactor, but for hitting the atmosphere.

- Armada Device - For staging more than three craft in orbit and then sending them all off to another world in one encounter window.

- Flag or Monument Device - For leaving an artistic marker on another world.

- Complete rewrite of the script generating the image

- You can now customize the order the ribbons will show

- You can choose between forum resolution or full resolution

- Extreme EVA is now available for Ike


- Whole new simple Mission Flag Generator (Still in progress)

- Ribbons now automatically adjust to the right height instead of the static 80px of before


- Tweaked the statistics page

- Added a new device for Kerbin : SSTO

- Updated the Base device


- Lots of back end bug fix and optimization

- Advance stats should be a little bit more accurate

- Contrast option are now available


- New saving method for ribbon (Not compatible with the former one)

- Advance statistics


- New layout

- Hovering a device show their requirement

- Clicking the image of the device check it (Easier to click them)

- Removed some useless instruction in the generator back-end part

- Selecting a polar/equatorial/geostationary orbit auto-select the orbit device

- Added a user system : if you are logged in and you change your ribbons, you don't have to update your signature on the forum

- Added a FAQ and a rule page, so it will be easier for everyone to know which devices is for what

- Added a simple statistic page

- Changed the default ribbon order : It should look cleaner (See the rules page for more details)

- Fixed Bop swapping EVA and Multipart ship

- Made it easier to update bodies and devices

- Added a donate button in the FAQ page


- Added a load system

- Fixed some backend error

- Updated the rules


- Rewrote the form javascript so it is a lot less laggy

- Fixed a bug when they was a lots of things selected you could not submit the form

- Changed the method form is sent (Changed GET to POST)

- Added a "Empty" button for the right order pins

- Fixed Rover being shown as a manned rover


- Major rewrite of the form (with my friend, JQuery ;) )

- You can now preview each ribbon while choosing badges

- You can preview at the bottom of the page what it will look like (not perfect)

- Started to work on custom order

- Some backend changes and optimization for upcoming updates


- Removed Geosynchronous orbit for Moho and the Sun (the Sun have no "surface" and it is not possible to accomplish on Moho)

- Added Geosynchronous orbit for Minmus

- Added "spoiler" for planets who have not been visited (The form is now much nicer)

- Corrected "BBcode with a like to this page" for "BBcode with a link for this page

- Added a link to this thread for bug report or comments


- Fixed all wrong name related to Laythe (I think it doesn't like me much)

- Added EVA landing badge

- Added Multipart ship badge

- Added Land travel badge


- Made result's text box read-only

- Atmosphere badge no longer hide equatorial orbit

- Added a little ad on the bottom of the page to pay the server

- Added Bevels option to the generator


Bug fixed:

- Error when selecting multiple left-hand devices for Laythe

- Planet ribbons that would repeat

- Orbit badge automatically put up if you choose a polar/equatorial orbit


Bug fixed:

- Ribbon order should now be correct

- Laythe Impactor badge should now work

- Anomaly founded change for anomaly found

Edited by Moustachauve
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so what is next on the docket, moust?

I will have to motivate myself enough to make the shield thingy and my part in the updater program that manitcor have done... Beside this, nothing is planned for the moment... feel free to suggest :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know you guys are not in the habit of adding each and every suggestion but I might have an interesting one: "Circumnavigation. Either by land, water or atmosphere." Perhaps a circle around the orbit badge?

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Moustachauve, were you the one who had the idea about the mission insignia/patch generator?

Yes, It is me, I worked only a little bit lastly, mainly on the front end part. I'm still thinking on how I will do it. I am more and more penching to do some sort of SVG thingys with Jquery, but I still need to find a good api.

I know you guys are not in the habit of adding each and every suggestion but I might have an interesting one: "Circumnavigation. Either by land, water or atmosphere." Perhaps a circle around the orbit badge?

You should ask this on the main ribbon thread, so Unistrut can see your suggestion :)


I'm going to work on shield integration for now, may take longer than I though it would.

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Just FYI the links in the FAQ page on the site still point to the old post the kraken ate. =)

Also sounds dumb but how can you reset your password on your account?

-Edit- Nvm I remembered it, however might still be a good question =)

Edited by El Gribbo
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