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any up to date tutorial?

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So i have 3dsmax and maye.(prefer maya)

I have decent knowladge about unity3d.

And i want to start with modding,but.

Are there any up to date tutorials?

Do i stil have to add a colider in maya to get it to work? Cant i just add one in unity?

Alsi(have not looked yet)but does the unity pakage let yoiu export to .mu?

I also know that max has a nice scripts for knowing where to place nodes,but is there any easy way to do that with a maya model?(i find maya easyer than max)

I already have a mod that uses stock parts for my private use,but i want to give it its own model.

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Do i stil have to add a colider in maya to get it to work? Cant i just add one in unity?

You can add various types of physics colliders in Unity and they will work just fine. However you can also create a dummy object that has a much simplified mesh in your 3D modelling program, import that into Unity as well and then use that mesh instead. You do this by creating a new empty GameObject in Unity, naming it node_collider and then placing it in the hierarchy of your part. I'm not 100% sure if you need to rename it node_collider, but I do and it seems to work.


Example used also includes thrustTransforms for an engine. The "1mResisto3" is the model for the part.

You can then add a Mesh collider to that empty GameObject, and choosing the mesh of your dummy object you've imported in. Make sure you set it to convex.


Alsi(have not looked yet)but does the unity pakage let yoiu export to .mu?

There is a Part Tools (0.18) plugin for Unity that will export your models as .mu, as well as letting you convert textures into .mbm. Unfortunately the topic seems to have been lost with the forum backups and, I don't have a link to the download.

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I'm not 100% sure if you need to rename it node_collider, but I do and it seems to work.

You don't. In fact I'd avoid that name specifically as it's used with the older dae importer and may cause confusion if you're going to use the unity editor.

The unity documentation also recommends using non-mesh colliders where possible, and even using multiple simple colliders on child objects to approximate shapes. Obviously for KSP's flat bottomed cylinders there's often no alternative but bear it in mind for any boxier parts you might want to make.

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For the nodes, you can export any object you want to use as a guide for where the nodes are in unity (Like a simple box). Then in unity right click on the right click on the mesh render component and select remove. Now they will be in your unity scene and you can use there position data in your config file.

Also colliders do not have to be named "node_collider" to work. Any object with physics collision on it will work regardless of its name.

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Ah i see.wel.that saves me 1 step. Also,would any one like to coalaberate,or just make it them self,a project/pakage that holds size parts? I dont understand why this isnt already out there. Just some mesh boxes with the most used sizes as size referances. Thinking of 0.5m,1m,1.5m,2m,2.5m,3m.

I think this would help people allot in moding.

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Most modelling programs give you pretty prominent display of units already, Standard sizing is based around cylinders of 0.5m/0.625m/, 1m/1.25m and 2m/2.5m (the second value is with the default resizing the game applies, you can turn it off and model at that size if you'd prefer).

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Thanks hoojiwana for your post. I'll make note of it if I get that far in my video tutorials. With the help of #KSPmodders I did get it figured eventually, but took me like 5 days of trial and error. :P (I was adding the collision mesh to the wrong game object/parent. :( )

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this is my current problem(after setting up the scale in meters in the preferences window)every mesh is scale 1.but then i use the distance tool to see how long it is,its not 1M. it doesn't matter how big or small the mesh is,its always scale 1. how do i know if my mesh is 1m? how do i create meshes thats 1 meter and such :\ i know that in max you can click and put in the vales(size)

Edit,never mind,found it.had to change the radius from the cylinder to 0.5

Edited by ghost010
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  • 4 months later...

I find that using Blender is a lot easer to use making objects for KSP. Blender also has a metric system that is meters. I have never had trouble with size. Blender also has a very good system for unwrapping objects for textures. I am not very familiar with maye so sorry I can't help you there. There are a lot more people that use blender and they will be able to help you. But if you prefer maye that is fine by me.

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