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Electric Motors do not Re-engage After Power Loss and then Power Return


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While wading an electric propeller craft through Eve's seas, I lost electric charge and the craft came to a stop. I waited until morning and after full recharge the motors will not re engage. I can move the craft around with reaction wheels but no power to the motors. The things I've tried are:

Changing from On Power Loss:  Locked  -> Free

Alt F12: Clear Input Locks

Motors: Swapping from Disengage and Engage multiple times.

The craft is not a probe and has 4 Kerbals inside of it. Any help would be amazing! Thank you. 

Edit: Main Theory is that this may be a feature or bug that when motors set to lock on power loss they can not be unlocked. Not sure which but if there is a workaround that would be great

Edited by TF-Aviator
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@TF-Aviator I have similar issues with motor engagement; I can activate them at launch but not deactivate. The only way I've been able to get the motors to behave as they should is to bind Toggle Engagement to an Action Group and pin open the Part Action Windows for each motor. As long as I open the PAWs, I can fly one helicopter to a location, then fly a second helicopter next to the first, switch to the first one, fly it to the Runway for recovery, then fly the second helicopter to the Runway for recovery. (Source: did this very thing last night)

For your Eve rotors, if you can bind their activation to an Action Group in-flight, then open up their PAWs and keep them pinned while operating your craft, you should be able to start it again.

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