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First testing of my brand new airplane called the N-250 went wrong...


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This is a story I also told to a famous AI bot, It is in a YouTube video btw but anyways let's start the story!


Chapter 1

Before the story begins, it won't hurt to tell you what the N-250 is, so the IPTN N-250 was a turboprop regional airliner designed by Indonesian firm IPTN (I live in Indonesia please note that). This aircraft was IPTN's first major effort to win the market share of the regional turboprop class of 64–68 seat airliners. The aircraft's development was eventually terminated after the Asian financial crisis of 1998.

The flight is scheduled in the late morning (probably around 9:00 - 10:00 am) and is planned to fly from the Kerbal Space Center to an Naval Air Station (NAS) called Kola Island which is 23 km south of Island Airfield. The flight in this case would be a test run so there would only be 2 Kerbals: Lagerus Kerman and Marming Kerman in the cockpit, the flight in question here from the KSC to Kola Island would not take long, it would take 15 - 10 minutes here, so it becomes a good route for me to regularly test aircraft, I never flew a airliner aircraft further than 40 kms in which case I would get bored, in which case is why I installed an autopilot mod so that I won't have to constantly press "S" so the aircraft doesn't sink below the horizon.

Chapter 2 - Take Off

The Take off procedure is very normal, execpt that the N-250 has its landing gear attached to the fuselage, and so it has a low ground clearance which makes me concerned about a tail strike, but tail strikes are only one worry, for there are also the wobbles, luckily the plane took off fine, and began a heading of approximately 90 degrees, which is east. Soon since the runway is facing at a degree of 191, we had to take a turn of more than 90 degrees towards the airport, so far, nothing seems to had gone wrong... right?

Chapter 2 - Approaching the Airport

I flew the airplane towards the airport but there's a problem I faced which I cannot see beacuse I am in the cockpit view currently, which means I cannot see the problem until 8 minutes and 15 seconds into the flight where for absoultely no reason in the Kraken mythology in the Kerbal Space Program universe has so my ENGINES CAUGHT FIRE! It was so suprising I managed to get the Voice Recorder Log here...

  1. [00:08:13]: Tupper is currently having a conservation...
  2. [00:08:14]: Tupper exits cockpit view.
  3. [00:08:18]: "Hello-Excuse me?-why am I on fire?"
  4. [00:08:19]: "Hello...?? WHAT'S HAPPENING!?"
  5. [00:08:21]: "Why are MY ENGINES on FIRE?"

And since my engines are on fire-that would mean that not only the fuel is draining and catching fire, the engine is losing health! So in a few minutes the engine would explode and turn the N-250 into a glider...

Chapter 3 - Becoming a Glider is what nobody asked for...

...Which is EXACTLY what HAPPENED, the engines exploded leaving a decoration piece flying, which then left a more minor fuel leak which the only difference is that it's not on fire.

Soon I began to lose speed and since the N-250 being a turbo-prop aircraft is at 119 m/s (428 km/h or 266 mph) it's just not enough speed to make it to the airport now, it's the "So close yet so far" thing again.

Soon the speed is so low that I tried to pitch up, even though it causes the plane to slow down more...

Chapter 3 - Becoming a Glider is what nobody asked for...

...and so we spend the final 30 seconds in chaos, the pitch up is not enough and the plane dives down anyway. The next thing you know... the plane crashed into the ocean at 47.09 m/s (169 km/h or 105 mph)

And so we will see Lagerus Kerman and Marming Kerman soon in heaven... or at the respawning bay, thank you!


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