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Multi-landing probe

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Your goal is to both fly-by and land on one of Kerbin's moons, then flyby and land on another planet or significant moon if gas giant. This requires at least three probes, a mothership that houses main propulsion and the landers until they detach. Each lander needs to slow down from fly-by speeds and land on its own, then transmit science data to main probe. Bonus: dive into (and maybe escape from?) the gas giant you might visit

Recommended to do a Minmus landing, then have the main probe visit a gas giant, land a thingy on a moon there, and dip its toes in the atmosphere of said gas giant.

Mods encouraged for more interesting probes and missions. Keep it light and uncrewed because THEY WILL NOT  RETURN.

Take note, you need a landing on at least on moon of Kerbin and at least one interplanetary mission, but the more the better. Good-looking/interesting probes are encouraged. Mods do not count against you if not overpowered. Cheats used for thing other than testing, crew in any form, and extremely large probes are prohibited.

Edited by Quinby Kerman
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