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RSS question


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33 minutes ago, alpine488 said:

The Solar System in RSS is 'tilted' so Earth is perfectly straight. Is there any way I can change it so that Earth is the planet on the axis, and the rest  of the Solar System is straight? Having the Solar System at a steep angle is really messing me up.

On 5/25/2018 at 8:08 PM, Snark said:

Nope.  Cannot be done.  Period, full stop.  Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.  Absolute and utter physical impossibility.

Why?  Because zero-degree axial tilt is baked into KSP, hard-coded at the most basic level of the game.  In a way that's so iron-clad that not only is it utterly impossible for any mod to enable that, but not even the Squad devs can do it because apparently it's so completely joined-at-the-hip to the fundamental guts of the game that they'd basically have to rewrite the entire game to enable it.

Yeah, I know, my jaw kinda dropped open when I heard that one, too.  It seems... rather a silly limitation to bake into a game that's supposed to allow having planets and such.  This is just about the only thing in KSP that I've ever really caviled at-- seems like they seriously goofed that one.  Oh well.

Anyway, no.  No celestial body in KSP can have any axial tilt whatsoever, ever, under any circumstances.

The closest I've seen any mod come to trying to simulate that is New Horizons.  It's designed so that every planet has a roughly 20-degree (or something like that) orbital inclination; i.e. all the planets are orbiting in the same plane, and that plane is inclined relative to the sun's equator.  Thus, the fact that all the planets have zero axial tilt relative to the Sun's equator means that their inclined orbits give them, in effect, an axial tilt relative to their own orbit.  All by the same amount and in the same direction, of course.

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