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Ore delivery challenge

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Whoever delivers the most ore in a single flight to Low Kerbin Orbit wins!

This is a pure design challenge and can be played in Sandbox. Please indicate if you use any part mods. No cheat menu!

The goal is to design a single launch that can mine and move ore. The launch can consist of multiple modules that can rendezvous and dock as they please.

The ore must be mined and can not be already loaded in VAB/SPH. It can not be mined from Runway or Launchpad. If you have a Mining SSTO, Mobile Launcher Platform etc. you are allowed to move your craft to Shores and mine and launch from there.

The ore to be counted must be delivered with a single return flight to a stable Kerbin orbit between 70x70 km and 200x200 km.

Entries in each category will be ranked based on the amount of ore delivered. Mission elapsed time will be used as tiebreaker.


Can I play, Daddy?: deliver Mun ore to stable Mun orbit above 50x50 km instead of LKO.

I'm too young to die: acquire the ore from Kerbin, Mun or Minmus and deliver to LKO.

Hey, not too rough: acquire the ore from Duna.

Hurt me plenty: acquire the ore from a fresh asteroid.

Ultra-Violence: acquire the ore from Moho.

Nightmare: acquire the ore from Tylo or Eve.

Speed Run: deliver ore from the Mun to LKO in 3 days or less. Ranked based on in game mission timer from launch to stable LKO of delivery vehicle.

// evil floating point hack - what the f?: challenge was completed using exploits like Kraken drives or zero drag SSTOs.




Speed Run

1) Meltdown  on 'MunExpress AB': 1 day 0 hours 46 minutes 45 seconds


Edited by Duke MelTdoWn
Ranked based on amount of ore delivered
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Entries in each category will be ranked based on the amount of ore delivered.

10 kg of whatever purple stuff Eve is made out of is pretty valuable back at Kerbin. (I heard it tastes like grapes.)


An example entry out of competition (I stacked the cards against you because I spent months designing mining systems). And this would not count anyways because I used a second rover from a different launch to fill up the Ore Freighter faster.

'Gargantua' Mining System

Category: I'm too young to die (ore acquired on Mun)

Ore delivered: 180 tons (18,000)

Mods: Breaking Ground parts; only visual mods

Launch Mass: 1179 tons

Price: 988,233

Mission time: 6 days 1 hour 6 minutes from launch to docking with Refinery in LKO

Craft file: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3380142778

More pics: https://imgur.com/gallery/ore-delivery-challenge-example-gargantua-h2m5ueQ

6ZF7dSR.jpgFrom left to right: VeHeReLau, Behemoth Orbital Refinery, A/D Stage, 2x Ore Freighter, Gargantua Mining Rover

Mission profile: Mining Rover stays on the Mun surface to drill continuously. Ascent/Descent Stage is used to land Ore Freighters. Rover(s) dock with Freighter and fill it up with ore and fuel. 4x Dart on A/D Stage used to bring the heavy Freighter back to Mun orbit. Freighter undocks and uses 4x Nerva to head back to Kerbin. Needs 5 or 6 aerobrake passes at Kerbin to enter low orbit. Ore delivered to Behemoth Orbital Refinery.


Picture proof: This example picture is suboptimal because the freighter is already docked with the refinery. The challenge is who can deliver the most ore, not who can design the heaviest launcher ;) Please show resources tab and orbital parameters.

With no other entries so far, this would place me 1st in  "I'm too young to die" with 180 tons.

I hope this challenge motivates you to expand your orbital refueling infrastructure!

Edited by Duke MelTdoWn
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I think Speedrun will call for completely different designs and strategies than the other categories.

I also added a new category to deliver Mun ore to Mun orbit, these designs will be the most useful in career mode.

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'MunExpress AB'

Category: Speed Run

Ore delivered: 10 kg (1)

Mods: stock parts; only visual mods

Launch Mass: 433 tons

Price: 211,811

Mission time: 1 day 46 minutes 45 seconds from launch to 179x80 km LKO

More pics: https://imgur.com/gallery/ore-delivery-speedrun-munexpress-ab-djkTXN6


Mission profile: MunExpress has good TWR of 3-5 on Kerbin and about 100 on the Mun. Wait until Mun is in Zenith straight overhead and go straight up. No time to waste with entering any orbits, but I had to do an 800 m/s correction burn to crash straight into the Mun. Do 1000 m/s suicide burn staring at 25 km above the Mun. Acquire 1 ore (took 20 seconds with 5* engineer in Sandbox). Fly straight back to Kerbin overhead. Enter LKO with 950 m/s burn.



Edited by Duke MelTdoWn
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  • 1 month later...
  On 3/23/2025 at 10:44 AM, voxelmaker said:

Are Kraken / Ion drives allowed?


Dawn engines can run in the standard categories.

Near Future Technologies etc. can run in "Modded" variant of standard categories.

I will add a new "// evil floating point hack - what the f?" category for game breaking exploits like Kraken drives and zero drag SSTOs.

Have fun building!

Edited by Duke MelTdoWn
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