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transparent vessels in VAB - unattachable.

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coming from ksp2 so I may be misunderstanding the VAB system, but almost every craft I've created has suffered from having a part or parts go transparent, then be unattachable/unusable. example when loading in a 1st stage, then mergine a upper stage/sat, the upper stage/sat goes transparent, becomes red when highlighted, and is unable to be attached to the other 1st stage. if 1st stage is then deleted, the game acts like there are no parts in the VAB, and when clicking on a new part, treats it as a whole new build. is this a bug?

fresh install, installed CKAN and a few visual mods, and game has less than 10 hours - but is becoming unplayable due to this.

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That’s how it works in KSP1. If you want to merge another saved vessel into the one you already have loaded in, it can only be attached by the new vessel’s root part.

You should re-root rocket stages so the topmost part is the root if you want to merge it into another craft, then start from the top and work your way down when merging so that each newly loaded stage can be attached to the one above right away.

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