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Send a Kerbal to another planet in EVA!

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The challenge is to send a Kerbal to another planet in only their spacesuit (no craft).

You may use a craft to get the Kerbal into orbit (of course), but the interplanetary transfer must be done in EVA.

You can either try to land the Kerbal directly (in EVA), or rendezvous him with a lander to land.

Proof this can be done. (Duna, not my attempt) (Reddit Thread)

My Attempt. (Eve)

Points System

  • Entry to SOI of other planet: 1000pts
  • Atmospheric entry: 500pts
  • EVA Landing: 1000pts (Eve), 5000pts (Duna), 5000pts (Jool), 8000pts (anywhere else)
  • Lander Rendezvous + Landing: 1000pts (Eve or Duna), 2000pts (anywhere else)


  • Kerbal must exit Kerbin SOI and enter target SOI without a ship.
  • There cannot be a ship accompanying the Kerbal through interplanetary space. (No ship within a few million meters at least!)
  • Kerbal must be in EVA when Kerbin escape velocity is reached.


Rule bending is encouraged. If you can find a hilarious way to technically satisfy the rules and win, go for it! :D

EDIT: Updated scoring to give more weight to Duna landings, as well as moons like Laythe.

Edited by alterbaron
Updated Scoring Criteria
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I Think this challenge is hilarious. I could just imagine Jeb getting dared to go to Duna without a rocket and the surprised faces of the control center When Jeb actually makes it there!:sticktongue:

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I got Jeb to Jool.

I didn't use that fancy rocket engine exhaust method, just an initial elliptical orbit around Kerbin.

300 m/s to reach Kerbin escape velocity and get into a wide solar orbit with a Duna encounter, then a few tens of m/s for course corrections. With a gravity assist from Duna, then two assists from Kerbin, got on a Jool transfer orbit. It's too bad he doesn't have enough delta-v in his pack to land on any of Jool's moons other than Laythe, and he can't survive the fall on Laythe.

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Wonderful! What a riot! :D

Score for metaphor:

  • SOI Entry: 1000pts
  • Atmospheric Entry: 500pts
  • Jool Landing: 5000pts

Total: 6500pts

Those Kerbals sure are made of tough stuff!

Is he able to get up and walk around, or is he out of commission?

EDIT: I wonder if this technique would make for a viable interplanetary transport network?

You could just EVA Kerbals, aerobrake them around a target body, and rendezvous with a station (or have a ship go pick them up)! :D

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This challenge is awesome :-D

Tried to land directly at my base at Duna but didn't manage to get a stable orbit first, so he got lost on the other side of the planet.

Kerbal lost through lazyness.

Gonna try again sometime.

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