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Weird kopernicus planet rendering


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I was just wondering why my kopernicus planet was rendering weirdly when zoomed out.Yo05z73.png








        name = Xubol

        cacheFile = Intergalactik/Cache/Xubol.bin

        randomMainMenuBody = True



            name = Mun

            removeAllPQSMods = True




            displayName = Xubol^N

            description = After the discovery of Oditemorp through Jool's wobbly orbit, it was realized that Moho was seen to exibit similar properties. Using the same method, Xubol was determined to be in an extremely close, highly inclined orbit. Little is known about this body, but it doesn't take a genius to realize that it probably isn't very safe. By observation during a recent solar eclipse, our estimations were comfirmed and refined. Unfourtunately, this is probably the most we will know for many centuries, as space technology would have to advance significantly to make a mission feasible.

            radius = 135000

            geeASL = 0.17

            rotates = True

            tidallyLocked = True

            isHomeWorld = False



                landedDataValue = 40

                inSpaceLowDataValue = 12

                inSpaceHighDataValue = 10

                recoveryValue = 23

                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 20000





            referenceBody = Sun

            semiMajorAxis = 1300000000

            eccentricity = 0.43

            inclination = 29.3

            argumentOfPeriapsis = 98.2

            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0

            epoch = 0

            color = RGBA(255,51,0,1)




            type = Vacuum

            fadeStart = 0

            fadeEnd = 0



                color = 1,1,1,1

                specColor = 0,0,0,1

                shininess = 0

                texture = Intergalactik/Textures/PluginData/XubolColor.png

                normals = Intergalactik/Textures/PluginData/XubolNormal.png









                    map = Intergalactik/Textures/PluginData/XubolHeight.png

                    deformity = 4000

                    offset = 0

                    scaleDeformityByRadius = False

                    enabled = True

                    order = 100




                    noiseType = Billow

                    deformity = 600

                    frequency = 200

                    persistance = 0.55

                    seed = 122

                    lacunarity = 2

                    octaves = 18

                    enabled = True

                    order = 104




                    map = Intergalactik/Textures/PluginData/XubolColor.png

                    order = 200

                    enabled = True







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