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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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"We're off to outer space.

We're leaving Mother Earth.

To save the human race.

Our Star Blazers."

*High fives Vires*


"Searching for a distant star.

Heading off to Iscandar.

Leaving mother Earth behind.

Who knows what dangers we'll find?"

^ Done TOTALLY from memory. No google look-up.

Don't know if we should mention it too much tho, Devo will start getting Ideas, and before you know it, We poor Test Pilots will have to figure out how to get the Space Battleship Yamato into orbit!

HA! I'd be totally satisfied with one of THESE ---


(The artist above is already doing a mesh of it as well, but it looks complex. Probably too much so for the game. Though maybe it could be simplified?)

At any rate, I'd say getting the Yamato to orbit would be easier than most things simply due to the simple fact that it's one of the few designs where I would say that having an anti-grav system on it would not only not be a cheat, but absolutely required for authenticity!


I'm sorry, but launching THAT from the launchpad or the runway is simply NOT AN OPTION. (Though if you wanted to build a mobile gantry for it and slide it into the ocean first and THEN launch it... Hehe...)

And I have Photoshop Devo, but I've never really messed around with it. Made the second one with GIMP (all straight lines, and a few easy curves) the other 3 I got from the internets... I'd love to take credit for them, but that would be a "Pyratical" thing to do... :sticktongue:

Stay Classy, Vires. Stay Classy. :D

(EDIT: Oh and one more thing - I'm TOTALLY on board for having an Analyzer robot MechJeb of my own. :D )

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"We're off to outer space.

We're leaving Mother Earth.

To save the human race.

Our Star Blazers."


Don't know if we should mention it too much tho, Devo will start getting Ideas, and before you know it, We poor Test Pilots will have to figure out how to get the Space Battleship Yamato into orbit!

And I have Photoshop Devo, but I've never really messed around with it. Made the second one with GIMP (all straight lines, and a few easy curves) the other 3 I got from the internets... I'd love to take credit for them, but that would be a "Pyratical" thing to do... :sticktongue:

haha ;)

Nah, keep the ideas coming! Alot of stuff I just haven't thought about in 20 years, my god how could I forget the Yamato... such a classic. I also will have you making textures in no time, I have my own way of doing it, no its not the preferred method, but its much faster and has a comparative result.

If I actually listed the plans I had, people either wouldn't believe me, or they would spend the next 6 months spamming me about when it's getting released.. (I don't need another Sulaco.. omg.. so many people "when is it ready when is it ready???" Ironically.. it was ready a while ago but sucked lol.. And now that I actually did the dropship in full, the level of difficulty for making the Sulaco would be 3/10 and the Dropship 9/10.. so for what was an additional craft to the big mother, the dropship has actually taken 10 times longer than the Sulaco did.. I don't think I've ever made a ship that's this specific - nothing flies or handles like it. If all goes according to my schedule, tonight she will be in a .zip file and ready to fly, or at least crash :)

The biggest hurdle all the pilots will face, is the rear VTOl engines. As you can see from the picture below, unless I have them rotating, they just dont provide the thrust needed to keep the nose off the ground.


So thats what im doing now, great fun :)

And see.. ive even put my pet project on hold for the dropship! I will finish this beast one day.. one day..

If i'm not 3D modelling, i'm plastic modelling :)

resin kit.. Laptop in the photos is 17" so you can judge the size of how big a model this is. All built, painting 85 percent done.



debating whether to cut his head off and put it in the rancors mouth.. you know, for authenticity :)


It's not small...


Edited by Devo
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I mean the plugin from this mod http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/sfr-command-pod/

and here a bike with the same plugin http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/demv-mark-3-ex-2/

would be perfect for the seat in your freelancer cockpit

I have no idea how to implement the SFR command pod with my stuff, it really doesnt do what I expected :( also why no animation? you open doors and they just flip open, made me a little testy.

The chair from Bobcat's DEMVmk3 has a bug, so thats why I did not use it, and Bobcat said he cant fix the bug so yeah.

With me, no matter what KSP im running when I load the demvmk3 on the launchpad, there is a magical cockpit hovering near my ship, that travels with it. They are introducing command chairs soon I think,

so really looking forward to that.

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They are introducing command chairs soon I think, so really looking forward to that.

Indeed they are, there's an untextured picture of the 3D model around somewhere, and that was shown a long while ago. Hopefully modders can use the way it's set up in order to "properly" have cockpit views visible from the exterior, rather than the slightly odd way SFR does it.

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Indeed they are, there's an untextured picture of the 3D model around somewhere, and that was shown a long while ago. Hopefully modders can use the way it's set up in order to "properly" have cockpit views visible from the exterior, rather than the slightly odd way SFR does it.

The problem with his it seems fairly specific to his cockpit, which I Really don't want to use obviously. Im still pulling it apart, but IMO bobcat did a better job with the DEMVmk3, the chair, the ejector seat.. kicks ass.

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lol how the heck did you get two in flight simultaneously?

I could be totally wrong, but I think MechJeb 2.0 can support more than one craft in the physics frame.

I haven't tried this AT ALL. The most that I have is being able to watch a docking craft on its autopilot from the mother craft. That's it.

But..... it could... potentially work?

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I could be totally wrong, but I think MechJeb 2.0 can support more than one craft in the physics frame.

I haven't tried this AT ALL. The most that I have is being able to watch a docking craft on its autopilot from the mother craft. That's it.

But..... it could... potentially work?

If MechJeb 2.0 does THAT, my hesitancy in trying it out just EVAPORATED!

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If MechJeb 2.0 does THAT, my hesitancy in trying it out just EVAPORATED!

Heh. I use the docking and rendezvous autopilots all the time when I'm not focused.

Although the way it does the insertion orbit is slightly strange - setting a really high apo and peri, instead of a slightly higher or lower one - it's a great assistance.

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yes its mechjeb 2.07 in combination with lazor settings on 20km i can manage 4 wt51 at the same time more then that and ksp is really slow ^^

translatron with smart A.S.S.

Edit: but be carefull tight formations aren't possible cause the wt-51 wants to drift a little bit sidewards but if you try.... then you see some neat explosions ^^

+ for screens its better to use infinite fuel and rcs

+ go orbit isnt really possible i think, with rockets its fine but with the wt-51 on the other craft the nose goes down

+ if you didnt use infinite fuel+rcs use the tac balancer or you will see nice explosions again ^^ (yes thanks to mj2 it will work on the other craft too)

Edited by Ariellus
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I'm a fan of Mechjeb 2.0. I like the new gui, it covers less of the screen. Does seem to use more Ram tho... then again, KSP in general uses more Ram these days, but other than that, I like it. they finally gave you an option to plan a return burn. Never understood why that wasn't in the first one... if your Kerbals do survive getting to another planet, how are they supposed to get home? :)

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I'm a fan of Mechjeb 2.0. I like the new gui, it covers less of the screen. Does seem to use more Ram tho... then again, KSP in general uses more Ram these days, but other than that, I like it. they finally gave you an option to plan a return burn. Never understood why that wasn't in the first one... if your Kerbals do survive getting to another planet, how are they supposed to get home? :)

I find the transparent GUI on mechjeb 2.0 is more CPU intensive, and to be honest KSP really already struggles, and for me personally it's affecting the performance of the game. I actually have found the quality of KSP after the migration to Unity4 , worse :(

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I find the transparent GUI on mechjeb 2.0 is more CPU intensive, and to be honest KSP really already struggles, and for me personally it's affecting the performance of the game. I actually have found the quality of KSP after the migration to Unity4 , worse :(

Are you using more mods or more elaborate mods than you used to?

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Are you using more mods or more elaborate mods than you used to?

Hmm not really, just updated versions, but the problem is I need to run the older mechjeb in conjunction with the new one because mechjeb2 doesnt support damned robotics, so having both running could be my problem, which does suck as I love the damned robotics pack and mechjeb, and it seems like now I have to choose between them.

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Damned Robotics is nice when it works.

Most of the stuff I make with it seems to become demonically possessed.

Then it starts to fly around like Linda Blair and rips itself apart.

I haven't really used it in the last few KSP versions though.

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Damned Robotics is nice when it works.

Most of the stuff I make with it seems to become demonically possessed.

Then it starts to fly around like Linda Blair and rips itself apart.

I haven't really used it in the last few KSP versions though.

its been bugged out for me for months, I only just started using it again because it was the only way to make the loader from aliens. Now all i need is the kerbal standing in it...

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Just cleaning up the nodes, fixed VTOl issue with inbuilt RCS thrusters in the front section to keep the nose up, so yeah maybe tomorrow, no promises.. depends how much stuff the wife wants me to do :/

quick in game shot b4 I go to bed, texture is a work in progress, not going to detail it until the thing flies properly, and ignore the scale, right now its human size.


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