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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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Those look fantastic! Can't wait to try them out!

Just wanted to do a check-up on one of the main things we've been waiting for - the Eagle Pods. I know you're about to release the Sulaco Dropship and working on Gamera etc. But I wanted to check in on those again.

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Cool, can we get it with and without blood splattered on the inside of the windows? :)

Ok, I'll remove the blood from the new texture and have an option :) There was actually going to be a few little easter eggs on this craft.. mainly for the aliens fans

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Oho! So THAT's where the command pod engines are! More like robust RCS thrusters really, but still. I wonder if later we might get a version of the command pod that could separate to become an escape pod like the original was supposed to be able to do.

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Oho! So THAT's where the command pod engines are! More like robust RCS thrusters really, but still. I wonder if later we might get a version of the command pod that could separate to become an escape pod like the original was supposed to be able to do.

Yes, although I think a built in docking port there might be more useful and I believe the TV version had the ability to redock itself.

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Oho! So THAT's where the command pod engines are! More like robust RCS thrusters really, but still. I wonder if later we might get a version of the command pod that could separate to become an escape pod like the original was supposed to be able to do.

The door was there for a reason :) I did start the IVA for the eagle, but got distracted, so yeah its a plan one day to do the full pod.

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Hey devogen! I've been testing Yours round spacestation parts in 19.1 and noticed that they are producing significent lag(the ambient sound clicks and everything stutters). When thay arent loaded everything is okay.

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Hey devogen! I've been testing Yours round spacestation parts in 19.1 and noticed that they are producing significent lag(the ambient sound clicks and everything stutters). When thay arent loaded everything is okay.

Interesting, haven't used them in some time and have not tested them with 0.19, ill check it out.

Everyone else, dropship should be testing time tomorrow for testers, finally got everything to unload without exploding the ship.. (alot of colliders.. airbrakes, wings, cargobay, winglets ... alot)

This picture missing engines and tailfins , they needed a re-work




Edited by Devo
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Devo are the weaponstations working with the normal rightclick function or are they working like DR ? (would be cool if its DR then they could hold rockets from the lazormod)

I too was curious how that's going to work.

Does each slot on the missile launchers, for example, have it's own attachment point? Cause if so... Wow. That could work awesomely, or it could totally fail because of so many attach points in close proximity making it difficult to impossible get a missile with decoupler attached in any particular slot.

The wing mounts are less of a problem, I bet. Just standard wing attach system will work with that I bet.

I assume there's a spot inside the bay for a docking ring/decoupler and matching spot on the back/bottom/top of the APC?

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I too was curious how that's going to work.

Does each slot on the missile launchers, for example, have it's own attachment point? Cause if so... Wow. That could work awesomely, or it could totally fail because of so many attach points in close proximity making it difficult to impossible get a missile with decoupler attached in any particular slot.

The wing mounts are less of a problem, I bet. Just standard wing attach system will work with that I bet.

I assume there's a spot inside the bay for a docking ring/decoupler and matching spot on the back/bottom/top of the APC?

Yes, APC is designed to top drop onto the ramp.

As for weapons


You cannot attach anything to a moving object. You can attach things to damned robotics, and they move like they should but when you attach a part to an animated object, thanks to a crappy bug in Unity/KSP the item does not travel with the animation.

This has been a problem forever. The only way weapons can be stored on this is if they are on a part that does not animate.

To solve this problem, I will supply static wings that do not animate, along with the ones that do.

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Real life hitting you hard, Devo? Just checking in.

I've discovered something notable about the Eagle nose-dive problem. Still working with the Mk2 for now. But I have noticed that how high or low the center of gravity winds up makes a large difference in how stable the Eagle is under load.

The COG on an empty truss bar Eagle is fairly high. Just under the truss. Add a load to it and the COG lowers. The lower the COG, the more it wants to nose dive when rear engines are activated.

On an unsecured payload with a single docking port attachment in the center of the truss, the lower and heavier the COG, the more the cargo swings. I suspect that if I had the ability to apply a COG marker on the ship outside of the hanger as I was testing it, I'd find it swinging back and forth like a pendulum as soon as the rear engine thrust is applied, knocking the balance off farther and farther each swing until either I turn off the rear engines or crash.

The COG being lower means the rear engines are effectively pushing the Eagle's mass at an angle. That has to be compensated for somehow. (see below)

The test pods I've been making with the LLL parts are giving me interesting results. I've already noted above what a single docking node under the truss with a heavy load does.

The passenger pod that I created (seen in the River Valley video on Twitch) is very light. No fuel. Mostly cosmetic hull sections (there's some internal truss bars with connecting struts). It is "docked" not on a single node under the truss, but via docking nodes where the hatches would be on a series Eagle on the main body, front and back. I can't undock this pod unfortunately without something exploding and tearing the ship apart. But that's okay. Looking at the COG on it in the SPH shows that it's so light that the COG isn't far off from a standard non-loaded Eagle. That's why I was able to work with it so well in the River Valley video.

I have managed to construct a Pod for a Kethane mining and cracking station that CAN be dropped and re-docked using the front/back docking nodes. But it's pretty heavy. On the Mun it's manageable in the light gravity. On Kerbin in order to get it into orbit I pretty much have to use VTOL to orbit. I can use the main engines under low power for orbital maneuvering.



Below is the pod in question on it's own. You could drop this thing on a Kethane node for extraction and cracking. It's got everything it needs, except for a tank for storage of refined fuels. For that you need to hook up a craft with some storage. This version would be able to use either the Merlin transfer system or the KAS. This pod uses several mod packs to build. Lackluster Labs. B9 Aerospace, the Kethane mod (naturally), Kerbal Attachment System and the Merlin Transfer system. The landing legs are off of the old Rocktco Soviet Style Munar lander (they still work just fine even though the pack hasn't been updated for .19).


So it works and all. But it does take a patient and steady hand to get it up to the Mun. The advantage to a pod built this way though is that it fullfills the goal of being droppable and able to be picked back up again! AND still do something useful!

I'd been making the suggestion for a rear/main engine design that has two gimbal "nodes" to switch between. But it may wind up being more complex than that, based on what I've been seeing happening with the changing Center of Gravity (COG) that happens as various loads are attached.

I wonder if it's possible to have an engine where you can re-position the angle of thrust along a range of vectors. With the gimbals still able to pitch and yaw like normal, but based on where the engine pitch is currently set.

And I don't think it can be something as simple as the two-position change that takes place on - for example - the B9 pack VTOL or the Falcon VTOL engines. I think we need something more adjustable then that. I don't think it can be done automatically. But it might be something you could set up either via action groups or right-clicking. In my minds eye I see something like an engine that has 4-6 "nodes". These would be settings for various weights or loads. For example - Setting #1 would be for an Eagle with no load attached at all. #2 would be for a light load like the passenger pod or a small probe or Rover. #3 would be for something like the Kethane cracking station above, and so on etc. #5 or #6 would be for something REALLY heavy, or for trying to use the Eagle as a Skycrane with a load dangling well below it.

Either that - or maybe we could do something with the resource system to move fuel around to alter the COG to compensate? Something like that is already sort of in place for the current Mk3 testing rigs. But I'd want it to be a lot more intuitive and easy to operate "on the fly". And I've already made note (and videos) of the problems I was seeing with the MK3 not being as easily controllable or stable as the MK2.

Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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Wow those pods are great, I almost dont feel like finishing mine lol.. I will dont worry..

Nah ive been working my ass off on the dropship.. yes its working, yes you can fly it.. but it has a few issues you will see when you test it..

I am not a personal fan of the B9 pack, alot of the parts give me some serious issues, and I agree, VTOL cannot be 2 stage, it needs to be totally controllable. I have that part sorted out tho, will post video shortly...

Just a few more tests then I can hand it to you guys, just trying to save you some headaches. This thing will need a flight manual.


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I scaled everything up with a rescaleFactor=1.2. that helped because the demv is now a bit smaller than the eagle. whats happening is the rcs and sas don't have enough power to keep the nose up. gonna try changing the pid settings on the eagle asas to use those off the fasa Gemini mini asas comp along with some power changes on the rcs thrusters. and yeah that dropship looks really good. getting better and better with each one.

Edited by COL.Neville
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I scaled everything up with a rescaleFactor=1.2. that helped because the demv is now a bit smaller than the eagle. whats happening is the rcs and sas don't have enough power to keep the nose up. gonna try changing the pid settings on the eagle asas to use those off the fasa Gemini mini asas comp along with some power changes on the rcs thrusters. and yeah that dropship looks really good. getting better and better with each one.

Are you talking about the model size as a whole or something else? And which DEMV? (The 3, 4, and 5 Variants easily fit under the truss BTW)

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these are the sas params outta the eagle asas pretty sure one of those is supposed to be a d.

// --- SAS parameters ---

maxTorque = 0

Ki = 0.49

Kp = 1

Ki = 2

just scaled up the entire thing using rescaleFactor in the part.cfg. whichever demv is the one with the part folder demv.

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@Col.Neville go into the command pod config and crank the Pod RCS power for LIN and ROT to about 5, that should give your Eagle a lot more maneuvering power! If you still want more, just make the number bigger until your happy with it :wink:

@Logan NICE PODS DUDE!!! :cool: I'm gonna have to try making some of those myself, I have Lack's mod too, (I like the "look" of lack's more than the B9 stuff) and I never thought to use those for cargo pods... Doh!

@Devo In proper Australian parlance (I had to ask my buddy Carl from Perth) "F@ucking Oath Mate!" :0.0: the Dropship looks great!! Can't wait to crash-- er, I mean Fly it!

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