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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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So devo when can we be expecting a release for your dropship i cant wait to blow it to bits cause thats probably whats gonna happen my game is buggy right now and i have no runway any tips to fix

Well, Logan, Ultravires and Ohm will be getting a copy of it when I get home from work. I finished up on it a 3am this morning, but needed to get some sleep.

I ran the Dropship through so many tests last night I ended up crashing KSP several times (just due to using mechjeb/hyperedit so much).

So in a small list, this is what I tested and how it went - we'll see the other guys results later, i'm interested to see how it performs for them. This Dropship will also require a flight manual (not complicated) but you need to follow a certain set of rules, other wise you will flip the craft on its side and kill everyone aboard :)

Inherent problems that come with this Dropship design that are being worked on (through no fault of mine! :)

1. BACK HEAVY! engines and tanks are rear mounted. How the heck did this thing ever stay up in the air? oh thats right.. Hollywood lol..

Front not weighed down, as it is designed to always carry cargo, ie the APC rover. So this is being balanced using a DEMV mk5 for now.

2. Rotating engines. Fantastic - bloody fantastic. BUT dont over-rotate - this can cause flips.

3. Alot of moving parts. All break points super strengthened - some parts virtually unbreakable at the moment.

4. RE-entering atmosphere.. There currently is a period of uncontrollability when dropping from a great height, when you re-enter the atmosphere. This is being worked on.

You do regain control, but I want to plummet head first without moving into the atmosphere.

5. Behaves very differently on Duna/Mun/Kerbin.

Wayland Corp currently only has Bases setup on those 3 planets, so thats where we are testing now. Mun is great for testing VTOL landings, Duna is great for a mix atmosphere, its our planet of choice.

Entering the Mun's orbit is easy and provides no hassle, but entering Duna's orbit at high speed drop can sometimes have crazy side effects. Working on it.

Test Cycle 1 : VTOL Take off. - Kerbin.

Attempts : 180+

Successful Attempts: 100+

Successful lift only achieved by increasing frontal RCS linear thrusters to 85thr/2000isp.

VTOl Take off not for the beginner pilot.

Test Cycle 2: VTOL Landing - Kerbin.

Attempts : 25+

Successful Attempts: 5+

Landing on legs very tricky, Wheels easy. Landing on legs requires zero forward thrust! only achievable by rotating rear engines and applying full reverse thrust.

Test Cycle 3 : Runway Take off. - Kerbin.

Attempts: 2

Successful Attempts: 2

*Notes: Performed beautifully. Could not have gone better.

Test Cycle 4 : Runway Landing - Kerbin.

Attempts: 5

Successful Attempts: 4

*Notes: Performed Great. Only 1 slight mishap when applying too much thrust before pulling up (tail spin)

Test Cycle 5 : Full Drop to Kerbin, unpowered / no RCS/ASAS from 85,000

Attempts: 15

Successful Attempts: 4

*Notes: Does not like entering atmosphere without any power.. Re-entry burn starts ok - but cannot regain control.

*Notes#2 - Do not operate wings at all when dropping from orbit!! as soon as they unfold the craft is ripped into pieces.

Only unfold wings after you have entered the atmosphere.

Test Cycle 6 : Full Drop to Kerbin, Powered W/ASAS from 85,000

Attempts: 50+

Successful Attempts: 10+

*Notes: Was perfect until re-entry. The trick seems to be increasing thrust so you don't bounce off the curve of Kerbin, and instead shoot straight through it. Otherwise, your ship and kerbal are no more.

Test Cycle 7 : Full Drop to Kerbin, Powered W/ASAS/RCS from 85,000

Attempts: 10

Successful Attempts: 4

*Notes: Was perfect until re-entry. The trick seems to be increasing thrust so you don't bounce off the curve of Kerbin, and instead shoot straight through it. Otherwise, your ship and kerbal are no more.

Test Cycle 8 : Full Drop to Kerbin, Powered W/ASAS/RCS from 125,000 then Land VTOL.

Attempts: 200+

Successful Attempts: 30+

*Notes: Landing from full speed can be a real pain. We are going at 1200m/s in the atmosphere from orbit.

The only way, full speed straight down then pull up at 1000m. Once you have levelled off, extend gear and glide down to 25m. Once at 25m, rotate engines and apply reverse thrust to dead-stop.

*Notes #2 - ALOT OF FUN!! this is a very cool way to land and not easy.

Test Cycle 9 : Full Drop to Kerbin, Unpowered from 125,000 then Land VTOL.

Attempts: 100+

Successful Attempts: 5+

*Notes - this was so bad, I am not even going to recommend you try. I could not achieve a stable enough thrust (without nose diving or vice versa) when in orbit to gain enough speed

to break the atmosphere. Dropship cannot drop unpowered without some serious out of control behaviour which you need to try and regain. Folding out the wings before re-entry did help

and achieved success - just.

Test Cycle 10 : Full Drop to Kerbin, Powered w/RCS/ASAS from 155,000 then Land VTOL. and then Drop cargo door, decouple rover and Embark, reembark and VTOl take off to orbit.

Attempts: 100+

Successful Attempts: 80+

*Unloading Rover and cargo bay doors work without fault, very happy.

3AM, Im tired...

Tomorrows plan:

Test Cycle 11 : The big one.

* Runway Take off

* Mun journey

* Land, drop cargo rover

* return to Kerbin

* Drop from as high as possible, full thrust into atmosphere - straight down

* Runway or VTOL land (depending on fuel)

*Disembark. Screenshot. :)

Edited by Devo
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Flyable workable biodome all ready to go built by yours truly, enjoy!


Download my latest alpha 07/05/13: ]!


What the?

Stay out of my thread please.

Well, I'm excited as heck to try it all out! :D

I have to figure out a way to make KSP use up less memory than it already does, however. This will make my in-between tests much easier. xP

This model is built low poly, I did everything as low as possible, it doesnt lag at all really.

Edited by Devo
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Yes sir..

BTW, I'd like to see you attempt a better biodome

Don't even start that passive-aggressive crap, here. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for a mistaken post or being well-meaning but socially clueless up until your above post.

If you've got something to contribute or comment on directly relating to the stuff originating in THIS thread, go ahead. But don't attempt an outright threadjack and then try and to provoke with a non-apology apology.

So yeah. You screwed up. Own it. Admit it. Apologize sincerely. That's literally the only thing you can do to make yourself look better.

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Don't get snooty, you posted spam in my thread without absolutely any relevance to anything I am doing here. What If I came into your thread and posted all my current projects? you wouldn't have a thread left.

You'd like to see me make a better biodome than yours? that wouldn't be hard. You seem to show absolutely no care for aesthetics and judging from your mods content, you smoke too many bongs to even notice how horrible your texturing is. Really. I hate to be critical, but you did come here and start me up, and then challenge me to to do better - I think I am more than justified in my response. Smoking pot doesn't give you an excuse to be rude.

oh wait here we go.. here's one I did (nearly a year ago. )

Sorry if they are not filled with terrible textures, fake cannibis 1 sided transparent png's and generally ugly stuff, I thought I'd let you be master of that.

I also don't want illegal drugs etc to be advertised in this thread, my kids see it.

I don't have anything against it myself, but I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate me doing that in your thread.

And you guessed right, this is me pissed off.

Sorry I noticed the biodome was the 2nd highest on the most wanted list.

Ooooooh, those are some seriously nice domes sir!

Dare I say I would have a hard time to compete with the quality of your work.

By the way, I decided to use transparent plants as opposed to my older dome's 3d plants to save up on memory. I couldn't add any more to the old dome because I reached 27 meg. My ultimate objective is make a flyable space city but in order for this to be possible I have to make cutbacks. The transparencies are great for making it appear like there's lots of polygons when as you quite rightly pointed out there are only 4 triangles, 2 faces, but you have repeated bitmaps.

Also just for reference, these are HEMP plants designed to produce hemp oil for plastics for the upcoming 3D printer I'm working on so you can make more habs. Hardly no THC in these plants at all sir!

Your Domes look pretty depressurized to me, not sure how well plants grow in a vacuum. Hmmm, don't see too many plants in your domes either. Where's the elevator, dance arena, VTOL bay.....

OK you have made some very pretty looking depressurized eggshells. Let me guess fewer than 255 triangles per dome?

OK I accept my biodome isn't an exact replica of the one in Silent Running, however I would say it is my own design, it flies, it carries, you can go any level and it is pressurized so :P to you!

I would like to be able to model to the same quality as you, however when it comes to numbers of node colliders in the same mesh I think I win hands down!

Edited by Kayaking4autism
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Well, Logan, Ultravires and Ohm will be getting a copy of it when I get home from work. I finished up on it a 3am this morning, but needed to get some sleep.

I ran the Dropship through so many tests last night I ended up crashing KSP several times (just due to using mechjeb/hyperedit so much).

(SNIP - a lot of well-documented testing regime)

Wow! That's a lot of testing! Also - that's great about the low poly count. Will make things easy.

I think I need to get hyper-edit installed now and set up a separate "testing" game save where I can do the "cheats" necessary to fully test these ships.

But your testing regime is going to be a good template for me to use to test each type of situation. Nicely done!

Looking forward to crashing... er... flying this ship! :D

Also - that's great about the low poly count. Will make things easy!

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No. Do NOT even start that s#$t. Not here.

As Logan pointed out, you already screwed up with your FIRST post in here. But this takes the cake...

The point of the game is NOT to have MORE "node colliders", but to look as nice as possible without lagging everyone the flip out.

More node colliders = more physical renderings = MORE LAG. So no. You don't win.

Secondly, I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt the mods would want you promoting the use of drugs in their forums. Because that is ALL I saw in your pictures.


That doesn't fly. And, frankly, it's totally NOT needed.

I can understand if that were a mod for your own personal use, but to release it? Get it OUTTA here. It doesn't DESERVE to be here.

Third, if you do want to model as well as Devo does, fine. But if it's of this topic, then I can SAFELY say I would not download a single mod of yours, because just NO.

In my eyes, you're not "competing" with Devo. You're piggy-backing. And that's not cool.

Nor would you be able to compete if you use such references in your modding... it's simply not right, so stop.

And as hoojiwana pointed out, Devo's aren't even the final result. So don't base off of that.

And besides, no one likes a jerk. And that's how you come across to me.

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Sorry I noticed the biodome was the 2nd highest on the most wanted list.

Ooooooh, those are some seriously nice domes sir!

Dare I say I would have a hard time to compete with the quality of your work.

By the way, I decided to use transparent plants as opposed to my older dome's 3d plants to save up on memory. I couldn't add any more to the old dome because I reached 27 meg. My ultimate objective is make a flyable space city but in order for this to be possible I have to make cutbacks. The transparencies are great for making it appear like there's lots of polygons when as you quite rightly pointed out there are only 4 triangles, 2 faces, but you have repeated bitmaps.

Also just for reference, these are HEMP plants designed to produce hemp oil for plastics for the upcoming 3D printer I'm working on so you can make more habs. Hardly no THC in these plants at all sir!

Your Domes look pretty depressurized to me, not sure how well plants grow in a vacuum. Hmmm, don't see too many plants in your domes either. Where's the elevator, dance arena, VTOL bay.....

OK you have made some very pretty looking depressurized eggshells. Let me guess fewer than 255 triangles per dome?

OK I accept my biodome isn't an exact replica of the one in Silent Running, however I would say it is my own design, it flies, it carries, you can go any level and it is pressurized so :P to you!

I would like to be able to model to the same quality as you, however when it comes to numbers of node colliders in the same mesh I think I win hands down!

I expect more from a Scottsman, that was very transparent and poorly done. I am not even going to respond in full.

If my domes don't look or feel like the ones in the movie, then I'll listen to your comments, otherwise they are irrelevant because that's all I am attempting to do, and I ask you depart the thread unless you have anything constructive to add.


I'm still laughing my ass off at "Where's the elevator, dance arena, VTOL bay"


Edited by Devo
removed wankerism.
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Glad I made you laugh, sorry if I seemed like a jerk. I appreciated the exchange of constructive criticisms.

Take care.

Cool, lets move past it and make some mods yeah? :)

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Can u release the apc with the drop ship please!!!!!!

The APC was finished long ago, everything but the wheels. I even did the turret gun that slides back and hides behind the APC when it exits the cargo bay. You have to bear in mind this was the first project I started, have completed 10 others in the time between October 2012 till now, so you can understand that this project has many many pieces and is alot of work. We are trying to replicate the Sulaco dropping the dropship to drop the APC.. thats a fair amount of animation and actions.

Project status:

Sulaco 95% Complete (needs testing)

Dropship 90% percent complete (needs testing and rear wings re-modelled, the ones I did before sucked)

APC Finished, except custom rover wheels. They need to be custom :( I cannot use normal rover wheels with it.

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APC Finished, except custom rover wheels. They need to be custom :( I cannot use normal rover wheels with it.

I fail to see that this is a problem (except for a bit more work) since I wouldn't WANT the APC to use normal Rover wheels. In fact they need to be that unique shape that the APC had in Aliens and they should be a LOT tougher to break.

(One of the reasons I really like working with the DEMV 4 "Rat" is because it's fast and durable - the "sportscar" of the Bobcat line. Just imagine me as Jeremy Clarkson when I'm on the Mun bombing around in it - "POWER!!!!!!" :D )


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I fail to see that this is a problem (except for a bit more work) since I wouldn't WANT the APC to use normal Rover wheels. In fact they need to be that unique shape that the APC had in Aliens and they should be a LOT tougher to break.

(One of the reasons I really like working with the DEMV 4 "Rat" is because it's fast and durable - the "sportscar" of the Bobcat line. Just imagine me as Jeremy Clarkson when I'm on the Mun bombing around in it - "POWER!!!!!!" :D )

That's what I probably should have said, I mean they will work with it but they both look crap and break easy. The APC wheels need to be very rigid and very very strong (these things resisted fire and alien acid blood and twisted steel remember)

As for the design, they couldnt be easier and truth be told I havent really gotten into the rover wheels assembly, its just a time thing.

Im just zipping up the dropship now and testing, making sure i give you all the bits.

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